— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143884
VC Survey: Briefly guys, a social survey. Try to approach him as responsibly as possible.
What is the worst insult a man can hear from his girlfriend?
Choose the 3 toughest options.

Your father has more.
and upd. What do you love from life fucking.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143883
The attack of wild elephants is not uncommon in India. According to government reports, approximately 300 people die under these mammals every year.
Yyy: Ryl the land of an elephant
Because the champion
YYY: Because in the covers
Yyy: He’s jumping very fast.
Yyy: And how many people die from the branched elephant horns? Even if the poem is already running out...

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143882
I have already received calls from various banks with the offer to issue a credit card. To my question: "Why is it for me?" they answer: "Well, you will not have money, you will be delayed, and you will not have to be humiliated by borrowing from friends or relatives. Just use our card, and with the salary you will return, there is up to 55 days of interest-free period. This is very convenient". I don’t understand how uneducated you need to be to behave on such information and build your life so that you can borrow from a bank and then give it. After all, it is much more profitable to have a debit card at hand with your personal funds and in case of their withdrawal, put back as it becomes possible. Here you do not have to pay any interest, on the contrary, many banks charge you interest for the money on the account, it is your money, not the bank. Remember, once you borrow money, you do not take it from the bank, but from yourself in the future.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143881
I know some friends with brains who don’t wash their hands in the toilet after themselves.
Probably the ass is washed once a month, so that the natural pH does not wash.)
Very intelligent people are often very stinking. This is their protection. They are displaced in separate offices and are rarely disturbed.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143880
xxx: Government policy towards citizens has smoothly descended to the bar "that we put on your constitution at all";
YYY: Great news, in two years I will look at him with warmth and remember the former freedom, while I will have a camera from Roskomnadzor installed in my house to make sure my private life with my wife is not too strict in the opinion of the observing officer...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143879
Making the lighting "business" news of the robot generally elementary. We connect it to current stock exchange quotations, and then learn to issue “analytics” in the spirit “on the backdrop of the weakening of the dollar to the euro and the passage of Saturn through the constellation of Aquarius, the shares of European energy companies are rising slightly”... even without any neural networks, on old technologies.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143878
Ficus: I was asked by Von Danya yesterday what "the-three" is. A document, says heaven, or some form. dffsu: I heard that TZ was deciphered as a point of view, but here is something new)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143877
Driving on a short journey, driving through another remote village from civilization I say: "Well, judging by houses and courtyards, as everywhere, someone lives better, someone lives worse."
"Someone doesn’t live at all" melancholy continues the spouse, thoughtfully looking at the guest...

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143876
The team "Let them talk" has left the First Channel. What did you do, what helped? Dust or "Mashenka"?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143875
We produce a large number of batteries.
And how much?
The most in the world, and this factory is not yet completed.
How much?
We will produce 10 times more.
How many batteries are manufactured at the Gigafactory?
We will build two or three gigabytes.
How much. of batteries. is done?
You want to ride a car, right?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143874
The poor man. Can I do something for you?
Salto with a turnaround.
Sorry, but I can’t even do a salto with a turnaround for you ;)
I knew I couldn’t rely on you!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143873
Sudo: By the way, today I saw the first signs of coming winter
UN4: What are they?
Sudo: A crash with strawberries on the track displaced from the usual place

[ + 26 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143872
In Soviet times, a magazine for men had photos of tanks, planes, pistols, attacking marines, and in our time photos of naked women.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143871
Best Product Warning Label Design: This product contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is associated with a wide variety of diseases in animals and humans. In some configurations, this is a risk factor for cancer and heart disease. Pregnant women have a high risk of transferring DNA to their children.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143870
You have an alarm button, right?
YYY: There is. Even two.
Zzzz: One worse than the other?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143869
LEVI - Today at 11:32
Well, I live in Moscow, I have to comply.
Or you go out unpainted out on the street, the hipsters immediately get out - "Hear a guy that without a fashionable reason?"or "Hear an epithet, and where to fuck a designer’s straw"well, and the apocalypse - "Hear a guy that has a straw?"
And so badly the spiders scattered...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143868
Every day late in the evening, a lonely, cunning single man smoked on the balcony so everyone thought he had just had sex.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143867
In the universe, we had a fairly strict teaching in TAU (theory of automatic control).

And here, at one of the practical lessons, he calls another student to solve the task. P-prepod and C-student

P: Ivanov to the board!

C: Maybe not me, I can’t do it.

P: To the board, I said! You will all succeed!

The student is unwilling to stick to the board.

Q: What are you standing for? Remove everything from the board.

In a minute:

P is ster? I said you’ll get it all right, sit down. Petrov to the board!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №143866
I was 35 years old. I am standing in the street waiting for someone. Nearby is a mother with a two-year-old boy. Suddenly the little girl breaks down and runs to me with screams.

and Dad! and Dad!

His mother stopped him with words.

This is not my dad, this is my uncle.

and a little silent.

Do not scare my uncle.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143865
>> Now I will be specifically about Children Prn. You are really idiots. Do you think it all comes out of love for art? and etc.

A man who has not studied the question.
1) Block the site - go to the darknet, it is not so difficult, especially since most of these sites are there and spin.
The Russian market for such websites is small. According to statistics, the largest number of requests such as ‘proun with rape’, ‘proun with horses’ and ‘proun with children’ come from all kinds of Pakistan, where Islam, moral scrap, and for the presence of pornography (even ordinary).
On the compass can easily be struck up to the death sentence. We, thanks to Ktolhu, have not yet reached this level of morality (although we are actually going there).
3) About children who fell into the hands of criminals - calm down, no one will touch your children. There are a number of countries in which the threshold of consent is below 18 or there is no such threshold at all (de jure or de facto). You come to some dirty Negrostan, pay a child 20 backs - and here are your children. The Prn. No fear of going to jail.
Well, and 4) - power, they are - give them a finger, they shake their whole hand on the shoulder. Are you ready for the fact that when the authorities block all the non-heroic porn, they will switch to other, normal sites (because the tool already exists)? Linkedin was blocked because of child pornography.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna