— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143544
The best husband is a cosmonaut: the salary is big, half a year in a business trip, and if he returns, the whole country knows.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №143543
Tell me, and can Russia come up with sanctions that hit at least someone other than its own population?

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143542
Leave them with a shortage of money, loans for everything in a row, scandals with the wife, conflicts with the aunt, a bunch of problems with the children, a TV with joke shows after work, and finally death before the death of the wife (as a consequence of all this).

of Paphos. But it would be good to look at the statistics: married men live longer than their single peers. But for women, the statistics say the opposite.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143541
to this:
My mother for the last 20 years constantly (except in winter, autumn) wears an umbrella with her - the rain scares.

Your mother, apparently, is a cultural, read and experienced person. She read the "Saga of the Forces" of Golsworth:
And, grabbing the umbrella to prevent the rain, Somes went to the station.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143540
My ex lived in my apartment, the house did not hit the finger at the finger, our salary was the same, but a significant part of the family budget was spent on car maintenance. In the car he was going to work. And I am on the tram<<

The gods of Olympus. I thought I was such an idiot! He lived in his room in the utility, he bought himself motorcycles as and when he wanted, because he wanted very much, but he could not very much. Therefore, after technical difficulties with the sale of the first motorcycle, many years later bought a new one. No money in the pocket. Just getting to work. A salary of 20 thousand with the decision to give 10 of them for a motorcycle. As a result, he received 15, which he returned to the box office. I ate, dressed and washed at my expense. and controlled. And I was walking. And then resolutely that it was disgusting to ride passengers and twisted the rear seat, because it esthetically spoils the picture. I am in Aachen. Then the boy began to buy more and more toys, and I was still walking, I was not even seen in the evening.

And then we were forced to leave, the boy got the car of his dreams at the price of two decent cars (this is an inheritance, so what claims, inheritance is a personal affair of everyone). But I went to visit him for some reason, and I was not only not taken back, but also not taken to the subway, because "Oh, well, it is far, hard, and I am tired and the parking place will be taken!"

Girls, that’s why some of us are so stupid, right?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143539

I understand how it works. I have a talisman jacket. It doesn’t protect you from the rain, it scares you.

PF is finally here.
My mother for the last 20 years constantly (except for winter, autumn) wears an umbrella with her - the rain scares.

Here are you shit. If I hadn’t washed the car, everyone would have died from drought for a long time.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143538
I am not a witch :R
XX: I am more heavy than the load-lifting capacity of the meth!
YYY: So much time has passed.
YYY: I’m sure she’s been pumped.
XXX is not!
XXX is fucking.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143537
the_stranger> I was witnessing a dialogue between two Russo-Africans at one time when the girl said to the guy:
“Don’t be offended if you are called Mowgli, firstly, he is a hero, and secondly, in general, a Hindu.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143536
We sit in pairs.

Prep checks the people present.

P is here?

T is here.

Why wasn’t it in the previous couple?

T – I had a poch.

In the audience there was silence, everyone stood astonished at Takaiovna.

The girl was shy, little, forgotten and licked.

P – What?

T – I said it was bad.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143535
XHH: I eventually grew up as a comfortable child, not creating problems. I remember, I already in the universe once wanted to buy a bar or a beer or a cocktail. I was somewhere 18-20 years old. I went to the store and thought, “What will my mom say?”—although I knew she’t say anything like that, because I don’t binge every day and I don’t disappear anywhere, and there are occasional episodes in the family. Eventually she turned and left.

YYY: And I always, by the way, was this: “My parents invested in me and raised me, and I’ll be happy to go? Well no" For the same reason, I’ve never met HD.

Zzz: And I didn’t binge, because my mom told me that it’s encephalopathy, especially from vodka cocktails. I am like this: How, I read so much and I learn and I burst my brains?


[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143534
It was 2010. As a result of an accident, I got a cut about a centimeter-and-a-half depth and about 11 cm in length. in the hand. The veins were not affected, but the blood was not shed so much. At home he interrupted and went to 21 hospital in the trauma point (Ufa). To my surprise, there was only one man in front of me.

When he came to the doctor, it was a man of 40 years, explained what happened. He came into some joyful surprise. “Ugh... not bad.” I grew up, to be honest. Here is the dialogue:

D: Do not misunderstand me, my son is following my footsteps, he needs practice, he likes it, but he has 1st course yet, there is no work, you will not mind if I show him how to sew and he will try a little? We live here on the Forest Pass, he will arrive in 5 minutes.

I slightly abdicated, of course, but like a man looking good, well, the first impression, anxious, somewhat searching looking. FIG with him.

I: Yes, in principle, if you look at it.

D: Yes, I’ll be there, don’t be afraid, thank you!

He put a bandage on my hand, sat on the couch and began to call my son. The nurse, by the way, did not even tell my ear, she recorded my data.

D (by phone): Hi, let me go to practice. Yes, I’m waiting, get it faster. (me): now it is fast, you have nothing terrible so, sweat and all, will you endure a little?

I am fine, I agreed. In five minutes, a young man came in and said goodbye. The doctor explained what it was, took me to the operating room, went to wash my hands and took the matter. I liked that the guy first asked when they were vaccinated against tetanus. Really liked it. And he has a look that evaluates: what and how to do. The guy under the comments of the doctor wrapped his hand, cleaned and sewed everything himself. I was not even stressed. The movements are confident, a couple of times the father asked how deep and about the node something. I see, he likes it. It was great to see such enthusiasm.

They did everything. He handled and processed me. The doctor asked my son what I needed to take from the medication and satisfied with the answer sent me home. I thanked him and gave him three barbarian cakes. My boyfriend was still in the car until he took me to the neighboring area, in Sipajlovo. From a conversation along the way, I learned that he entered the medicine, will be the same traumatologist as his father and the profession the future very much likes.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143533
Women... men. Some have p**da between their legs, others have h*j. and still think with their ass.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143532
Ten years ago in our amateur football team at the tournament played a guy, very even played well. As it turned out, the former professional hockey player, as if even had time to play for Salavat Yulia.

And here I was told a story about him. He went for a visit to a town. At the airport he is met by a representative of the team with a sign in his hands, on which is written its name (team). Go to base. On the same day, training and giving him... a football shirt in front of her. The WTF? ? to ? to Well, in principle, this is not new for the guy, his hockey team practiced training in the form of football.

They go to the field, play a two-sided game, after which they say to him, "You arrange us, we take you." He is so shocked, “What, you won’t even see me on the hockey court? ? to ? “

There are two teams in the city with the same name, football and hockey. But he still chose hockey.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143531
E. Kaspersky stumbles before the experienced pilot-instructor (Dennis Okan) of the S7 company:

Did you know that all modern aircraft and most major airports are equipped with automatic landing systems? That is, the pilot chooses the landing airport, receives the “well, put it here” from the local dispatchers, and then navigates with the autopilot. - and landed at the right point, in a certain direction and speed, at a predetermined time. is normal? Yes, there are such miracles... Definitely, the technique runs. Sometimes people are mistaken.

D. O I agree, people make mistakes more often. Just look at the software products.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143530
Briefly about the situation with computers in the clinic, where a relative works: in the office there is a computer with a thin client (without a screw, with a seal) with a custom load on the network of one of the linux distributions in which to work through special. Only one network resource is available to the program, requesting account data when logging in. Accounting data doctors do not know and why this resource is also needed. Doctors would be happy to use this computer at least for assembling and printing documents, but there will be nowhere to save them: the home folder does not save the content and after restart is cleaned, and the installation of flashes is blocked.
There is a useless computer in the cabinet with a large beautiful monitor, with a printer connected to it, but no one can use it. So we live.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143529
Fuck it, with liberal democracy, what a fortune that America is not trying to impose its system of measures on the world!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143528
LIKE: The best pickup guide I've ever heard in South Park from Eric Cartman (naturally): "Wait until she's silent, repeat her last phrase and say "What a deep thought... I've never thought about it before")))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143527
By the end of the second week without hot water, my husband told me I was mixing the water in the basement incorrectly.
I add hot water from the pot to the cold water in the tavern. And so I cool the hot water, it cools faster.
And it is necessary: to mix hot water cold, as if heating it.
Seriously is it?! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143526
xxx: V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
YYY: The shoes?
The phone was in my pocket!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143525
No real woman dreamed of getting a shirt and collar as a gift. If a man spends on a shirt-collar, then he is deeply offended by the interests of his wife, but he obviously wants to squeeze the wallet, so he is harassed by a saleswoman (she is also a woman should definitely know better what the absolutely unfamiliar aunt wants than her aunt's husband, not one year living together, ah), the saleswoman, of course, will like it even more popy, but not popy on a "to suck more expensive and that is less likely to buy consciously" - accordingly, and suck. At the age of fifty before men finally come to the conclusion that a real woman may be more likely to want a screwdriver, gravy, or a new aquarium hose on the DR. Some people say this directly before, but it comes into effect "something is not accepted / unspontaneous, probably cuddling!" and as a result, again sellers of flower crowns and jewellery cheerfully rub their feet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna