— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №138261
What would you do if you failed in a well? A boiler with communications, from which the cover of the boiler was slammed.
Well, first of all, we would remember to the seventh knee all the relatives of that "metallist", who closed this lid and utilities workers, who did not take measures to finish the hole. Then they would try to get out, but suppose the stairs were hardened. Would you call for help? There is no one nearby: a well in the desert. Yes, you have a phone. But, as in a bad series: “I had a battery.”

But the dog, who fell into such a well yesterday in Nikolaev, made sense. He bite the cable, the entire area remained without internet for three hours, but repairers from the provider after 10 minutes already found the cause of the breakdown, called the Ministry of Emergencies, which got the "divorce" and identified him in the receiver.

P.S The dog became the hero of the day and his "adoption" has already been set up.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138260
As of January 25, 2017, jumping with six is included in Mexico’s compulsory school program.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138259
X: Raise animals initially without a brain.
Y: They’ve already tried – the deputies do.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138258
xxx: if Kaspersky on the "protected computers" starts counting bitcoins, then for users nothing will change

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138257
Lena - the girl is very beautiful and the eye rests on her, but the rest is excited.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138256
Do you know how your girlfriend is different from Jesus? Jesus will never abandon you.
But Jesus is fictional.
Just like your girlfriend.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №138255
I remember looking at my grandmother’s old photos of the 20-40s. All the men in the pictures are in sheep, carpets, cotton, valleys... and the grandmother says, “Look at how the men dressed before, you can sleep all night in the snow drunk, and you, fools, don’t even wear clothes!”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138254
I was returning from a business trip in a car. 200 km to the house remained, the mood was great, a couple of hours, with a tail, and came.

I see a girl voting at the stop:

Are you not in town?

Sit down beautiful.

The city of the lady for me is a transit, I will land somewhere in the district, there will be.

They met along the way, they were resting with friends in the village, they fought there with everyone and decided to leave, I also said a few words about myself. Usually I laughed, and then I laughed more and answered questions. I liked it more and more and more, and when we stopped smoking and my companion bowed to the smoke that was not thrown to the urn, I was beaten to drink.

I thought, do you know how to repair cranes?

As far as I am concerned, I think yes.

Maybe you will see? He has been in the kitchen for a week.

Yuuuuuuuuuuuu! There is. Well, I'll come home a little later, only if she's seriously running the crane, I can't fix it, I've been different)

We arrived in the city, the girl asks to go to the store, the guests were not waiting, only there is no money. Okay, there is no problem. When she stood up in front of the window with alcohol and asked, "Are you in a hurry? "I understood with the crane, most likely, everything is okay. They took a cognac, candy, snack there all kind of nonsense and went to her.

- We have the grandmothers in the entrance, tortured later, I will go forward to cover the table, come in 15 minutes. The second entrance, an apartment.

I was stressed, but I didn’t look:

Tell me your phone number if I get lost. ? to

The battery, you will find.

Stumbling into the cheek, she disappeared in the arc. He smoked, listened to “Europe” and went. So, in the second entrance of the apartment N is not, it is in the fourth, it is worth calling the home phone? The Lošara! I still picked up, a man’s voice asked, “Who?”

He sat in the car, smoked a cigarette, turned off the comments of the inner voice, but one he managed to stumble:

Was he wasted? Go go go home.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138253
The task is assigned to a first-class student who does not know Edmons Dantes and Evelyn Bledans, so really thank you for watching Star Wars.

The claims are not to the first-class student - he is good, but to his parents, who did not have three names for two.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138252
As a resident of the city of Moscow

Sooner or later I come to the idea that everything I have to be recorded in the tax code, everything I do not have to be recorded in the criminal code.

People like you are called fools. Read carefully: A educated person, doing his own way, IS trying to minimize the inconvenience for others." What does it mean he is looking for an opportunity not to interfere, and not an excuse for his own shame (as fools do)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138251
My aunt and a cousin in the distant yet rebuilding times on Sunday turned on the TV and saw an American movie, where everyone is discussing who killed some Channing. They thought, detective, you understand, so you have to sit down and see what’s going on. Here the film unexpectedly quickly ended, and Channing's murderer was never found. Aunt and sister were surprised, but thought that the film could be a two-series and can be watched tomorrow. The movie was titled "Santa Barbara"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138250
11 to 45 Catherine:
Hi you Julia! Congratulations on your birthday! We are pleased to inform you that our community has held a joke and you have won! Write me a phone you are comfortable with calling.
17-04 by Catherine
by Julia?
17 to 30 July
Yes is?
17 to 31 Catherine
Are you ready to contact us?
17 to 32 Julia
No is. I thought it was obvious. We are unknown. You are not interesting to me.
17 to 32 Catherine
And the gift?
17 to 33 Yulia
Dear Catherine! I am 39 years old today. This is quite enough to know: offers from strangers hello-you-winned gift - divorce. All of. without exception. Strangely, it seemed to me that a dialogue marked as spam would no longer bother me.
17 to 34 Catherine
Go to Fuck.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138249
Alcoholics are foolish.
representatives of the race.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138248
In a modern city, the population density is such that no matter where you live, what you do, whoever you work, you always interfere with someone.
= is
and Nihua. Must be minimized. There are simple rules.
Are you walking on the left side of the sidewalk against the stream? Sooner or later you will get a shoulder. Right movement in us.
Do you stretch your legs through something? Sooner or later they will be right.
Do you like to stop fast on the move? Someday there will be a two-foot two-hundred-pound uncle behind him, who will not have time.
Do you like to smoke people? One day the uncle will be there.

It’s crazy, it’s not treated. It is stopped by purely physical means.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138247
The Wife:
Remember in the movie “Ordinary Miracle” the Wizard said: “Poor unarmed people drop kings from the throne because of love for their neighbors. Because of the love of the motherland, the soldiers strike death with their feet, and he runs away without looking. The wise go up to heaven and go to hell because of the love of truth. What did you do because of love for a girl?” and what did you do because of love for me?
The husband:
I did not marry you.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138246
What kind of sexual education can be discussed if a mid-aged aunt (never married and no children) declares that all the troubles in Russia came from condoms
and birth rate from them dropped (not from the standard of living, which dropped sharply in the 1990s)

And the youth they corrupted and they began to have sex, and before it was only for the birth of children (on the number of abortions in the time, they persistently remain silent).

PS has been and will be at all times.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138245
In fact, the “Dream of the hostess” is a young, sexy, generous lover-oligarch, not a mayonnaise.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138244
The CopyLob

>>>A very prominent example: dwarf copt and stretched predators.<<

In the presence of stretched predators, the puppy quickly acquires a sports figure or does not survive. They become rhinos.
They become dumb when they live a quiet life.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138243
...and we have a new system administrator by the name Krivorak
Why do I think it will not lead to anything good? ;)

[ + 26 - ] [10 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138242
Oh all that. How you burned.
A long time ago, when the forests on the planet Earth began to shrink, our monkey ancestors had to get out of the cage to the plain. At first they had to stand on two limbs to rise above the high edge of the grass. Then, as the fruit abundance left with the forests, we had to look for additional food. I sit high on two legs, I look far, I see everything. Especially the fall. What is not food? Our ancestors were fallers. From this injection of protein into the body, the brain began to gradually increase in size, and human-like - to become smarter. Thus, by introducing to their diets thick, unpretentious meat, our evolutionary branch proudly entered the gate of homo (but some remained behind, thickly chewing the leaf of the rucola, and the Buddha with them).
Sponsor of the story is anthropogenesis. Thanks to all. We are separated.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna