— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №60766
I am on the bus today. I see the driver talking on the phone, first blurred the thought of the headset, and then I see the phone. in the ear. And the rubber on his head holds him.

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60765
Richard Gordon: Oh yeah! I love Krasnoyarsk. Today I was approached by a guy who was brainwashing about Buddha and other Indian religions. In return, I washed his brains with a story about the God Emperor. I think he believed...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №60764
We have a tragedy: all the buses in the area disappeared in the morning. I had the honor of storming the route gazelle and taking it!
then placed in it comfortably in the posture of the cancer, supporting the entrance door with a butt (which was extremely useful for the door, since before that it was held on the same shovel)
What a coincidence. I was driving in about the same position, but the door wasn’t opened at all because of me, and all the stunners at the subsequent stops were forced to wash.))) and also... a Negro was lying on me!
I have to admit that you’ve driven a lot more exotic!
WOW: It was strange.
xxx: by the way, the route minibus (which runs on Moscow transit tickets and categorically does not take standing ones) stupidly stopped at our stop, full of fresh-frozen citizens, to land ONE (!) passenger to the only free seat. How he was wrong! Within two minutes he carried not only standing, but also hanging and lying. He was barely put down himself - because there was a whole free place under him!

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60763
Discussion of the new asus padphone (where the phone is inserted into the tablet, the tablet is connected to the keyboard and a netbook is obtained)

...and then this “netbook” should be inserted into the car, the car – into a combat human-like robot, the BCHR – into a spacecraft, the fighter – into a starfighter, the starfighter – into the star of death... And it would seem – a harmless smartphone!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №60762
XXX with the oil. God keep you!
YYY: If you don’t mean Perun by God, then I have a few questions for you.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №60761
Publication on the main page of the city
"In Kerch held a show of hairstyles"
Future hairdressers - graduates of the Kerch Higher Professional School of Shipbuilding and Woodworking demonstrated their skills.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №60760

Do you know:
The word “parasite” comes from ancient Greece.
So called the inhabitants of parasitaries, special institutions in which citizens lived, held for the state (public) account.

Thus e. We lived on allowance.

zzz> No According to our officials

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №60759
Disadvantages of the phone: It loads quickly
Advantages: It is charged quickly.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №60758
Conversation of the Astracans:
Why do we have no forests? And our area took the first place in the preservation of forests? Think of bribery?
It is easy to keep what is not.
zzz: Yes, our forests are striking with their sleepiness and impasse. Even old Siberians are afraid to enter there.
xxx: because they will not find where to enter

[ + 56 - ] [12 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60757
" My fellow citizens!
You can curl with white ribbons, walk with a portrait of Vovan, cede through the lips "people - beadly", chase Bentley with gondons on the pen.
All of you, absolutely all - my people, my homeland, my country, with you I was born and raised, for you, if anything, I will open the beds, saving the boys who die for you.
This is our country, this is our homeland, don’t fuck it, stupid – don’t fuck it!
Pursuing with the Gondons on the chest, remember, for this country, for our Motherland your ancestors shed their blood so much that they do not float, from the beginning of the centuries, the men on our land stood up with their breasts, and no one has bended our country, because it is not the country to bend, and the people are not the ones!Remember this, look at what is happening around, how they scatter the pieces of the country, how they kill anybody, absolutely anyone who wraps against. Love your army, you do not have another, and we are not pydors, we will not sell you or betray you.
And whisper, in general, the one who runs there on the squares, the ancestors gave us a great country, the ancestors bended half Eurasia, took out two worlds, gave it to us, well, will we take it now and tear away what they have gained?
Remember that.

[ + 50 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60756
In Moscow, in the Hovrino area, there is a dentistry "Deimos"!
(DéImos in Greek) Δείμος “horror”)

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60755
Unknown hackers hacked the 2012 Web election website and made a number of changes there. Thank you, everything works right now!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №60754
She: Now I’t give up a cup of tea and a warm bowl.
I will bring happiness.)
She: Uga and sugar from tea remove
he: mmm... I am now filtering. ))
I don’t know how you’ll clean it up. Need to ask
He: You’d try it first. I did without sugar. I knew it. ))
Pause –
He: Well, we have drunk tea. ( by
It was because there was no plague.
He: And I brought the pledge. It lies next door.
She: not that tea without sugar and without candy, but also the pled just lies next to it.
“Sorry, sweet, of course, go to bed, I will hide you. Would you sit again? Could my legs break?
She is: AHA Go to bed and drink tea.
He: I took the tea, poured it on me, uncovered all the candy and ate fantasy. He tied his eyes and killed himself at the wall. Is there anything else, dear?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №60753
l0sb: Starlight is distorted as you approach the black hole horizon. First, they get red as photons try to overcome the black hole’s strongest gravitational field that stretches the wavelength of light. But since you fall almost at the speed of light, this effect is compensated by the Doppler effect, returning it blue. From the center of the black hole, the entire universe looks like a bright ring around.
Hen41k: my grandmother in the colloquial home so the TV on4aecca

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №60752
Can you take a shot and send me a photo? and :)
I can not.
Why is?! to
I don’t have a carpet at home.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №60751
Xhhh - saw, not so long ago on the discovery began to roll up the current advertisement?
WOW – what exactly?
XHH - real offenders - from Monday, March 5th.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №60750
I went. I looked in the mirror. He said "I am a brutal alpha samurai". Three clever toy lambs on a T-shirt looked at me as if they were their own.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №60749
For others, mild brain shock contributes to increased intelligence.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №60748
On the TV show "Big Policy with Yevgeny Kiselyov" (Ukraine), the studio, in full seriousness, discussed the new schemes of Sergei Mavrodi together with him in direct broadcast. Dmitry Golubov, founder and leader of the "Internet of the Party of Ukraine". He asks him.
Q: Are you such a lonely computer Robin Hood in the fight against the world’s evil in the person of Sergei Mavrodi?
G is no. Many people from different countries help me, because they know who Mavrodi is.
Q: What about Ukrainian politicians?
So far only advice.
Q: Why just advice?
G: I do not know. I want to address all Ukrainian politicians and say that if you do not stop this man, he will steal all the money that you should steal from us!

Applause of the hall.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №60747
“Pasha, how many women did you have before me?
Today or at all?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna