— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №61788
You remember when we were kids we thought tomorrow would come early if we go to bed.
Tomorrow, in any case, will come before we go to bed.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №61787
Zizmo> Well and Lan. I’m not going to talk to you =(((
Disa> *comes a sneezing nose with ice cream and promises to bring it to the zoo* ))
zizmo> liayaya =))) * joyfully knocks in the palms and shouts dumb "Zoopark!!! The zoo!!" and
Disa> * pretends how much he will be paid in the zoo for such a valuable copy*)))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №61786
* Friend changes status to ".bat you mouth, Chinese" *
What did the Chinese do again?
D: They, with their unwashed stinking hands somewhere in the basements of the city called Chinyanghui, made my hard disk, on which pictures where I sing a camel with vodka, where we three wash in a bath with Natasha Chihuahua, where I look like a dumbbellor in my embrace, well, and of course where I lay my penis in the mouth of a crocodile statue, so, luck he suddenly stopped working!
D: Throw it in the service center to repair it and decide to see what is so valuable there.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №61785
Today in the pool, I accidentally touched the genitals of one grandmother.
She pretended she didn’t notice.
YYY: Now you have to marry her.
XXX: It happened by chance.
Yes, it always happens by chance.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №61784
Never look for the perfect girl, look with cockroaches of the same kind as you have.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №61783
[16:59:02] Denis: I am thus an educator
[16:59:26] Denis: I hold a spoon in the left knife in the right
[17:00:01] Margarita :^)how is this BODY + KNOW
[17:00:14] Denis: (rofl) as such
[17:00:33] Margarita: the boy has long since invented the fork (chuckle)
So you can’t eat soup with a fork.
[17:01:08] Margarita: A knife why
Margarita: to the soup
Dennis: So that the soup is not taken away

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №61782
On April 1, 1915, at the height of World War I, a French aircraft appeared over a German camp and dropped a huge bomb. The soldiers rushed, but the explosion did not wait. Instead of the bomb landed a large ball with the inscription "April 1st!". Troll with a big letter.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №61781
Electrical Safety Examination:
If your computer suddenly burns, what will you do?
- Start -> Completion of work...
c) Substance

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №61780
Alexis: Generally speaking, I was training with the coach for the first time in that hall. He was in shorts so bright. And on the face I don’t have a special memory... well, the second time I come to the hall, there’s a bunch of cockroaches, that they do there... well, and someone of them greets me, that’s asking...I’m like O_O, and then I looked at it – it’s my coach, only in shorts, not shorts. Well I didn’t think back "oh, I didn’t recognize you in the pants".

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №61779
Few people know that ninja turtles wore bandages in front of their eyes so that no one would recognize them.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №61778
You need it, hymn odminsky, to come up with.
WOW: Well, it really needs to be sung on the motif of the picnic song:

He has three hands.
Wire over the shoulder of Wu
from his breath.
The light of Iljić =O

I make myself o
In the mirror does not recognize (heavy morning)
Right from the bow
He goes to work...

HHH: writer... you, if anything, write to Sklarski something.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61777
From discussions in contact:

Any child up to 12 years of age, if his upbringing is not hit by a hook, but elementarly familiarize him with the world around him, at the expense of his non-standard intelligence will be able to come up with 30 applications of the coin in 5 minutes (!) and 10-30 for the next 5 minutes depending on the level of development. One child and one.
There will be games and torture with this coin, a lot of things.
Playing blinkers on the lake, rotating around the table, making a graphite...
That’s a bit of a madness, right? ?

YYY: If a child at the age of 12 comes to mind at least one way to torture a coin, it is not very such an education probably.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №61776
What if the third devil is a complete disappointment?
This is why the end of the world will come!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №61775
In Russia, the roads look like not the winter has ended, but the war

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №61774
Today my mom said I’ve never watched porn... let’s go, let’s see tonight. I choose where the members are smaller.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №61773
The 3G modem

Advantages: The speed is good.
Disadvantages: Traffic is eaten even when watching free movies online.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №61772
On the tracker LostFilm appeared news: "Fish of my dreams" - a duplicate trailer". Guess what happened in the comments.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №61771
Funny is

After the assassination of King Leach himself, who terrorized the world for many years, who lost more lives than anyone in the whole Azeroth, you come to Darion and he says, "Hmm, you killed King Leach? Here are your 33 goals, sps, happy"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №61770
Q: Is that so serious?? to

Who said I was serious?

HH: I can see it!! to

Through space and walls?

Oh yeah, that kind of thing.

WOW: What am I showing you now?

I mean the language? ?

WOW: I don't guess.I see you have a very good opinion about me, if you think I showed you my tongue.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №61769
Your wife is an extremely secretive and dishonest person, if in her whole life she has never called you a goat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna