In modern Russian, there are many borrowings from the language of a likely enemy. This is unacceptable, apolitical and non-patriotic. In addition to language, a lot of television programs, shows, etc. Again, such a miserable phenomenon as Russian rap, worse than which can only be Mongolian champagne or medicinal dirt of Antarctica.
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here here :
My colleague at work is Spanish. He always boasts that he was able to quickly master the "great and powerful" and our language is not so complicated, it has already begun to borrow me and I asked him what the phrase means: "bake cookies with liver in the oven," he hasn't spoken to me yet.
— — —
If I were offered a cake with cookies, I would also get a bit of it.
Broke me in the rectum! Where did the IT joke go?
by 23.05.2014
<birdy> the day of the bats
<mizhgan> aaa, tooth whisky is not sold anywhere
<mizhgan> every day
<birdy> the last calls
<mizhgan> the call of the day, and vodka is not sold tomorrow, hm
<mizhgan> the butterflies did not chew
<mizhgan> school of life, nažralso - tolerate
A bright example of the use of the metric system is car tyres: diameter in inches, width in millimeters, and thickness in percent.
Everything consists of elementary elements, which means that you can do anything, even disassemble the chair into atoms and then collect a sandwich from them.
YYY or big. I would also take up a big bed.
I would blind my grandmother's dress.
From the comments of
111: remove the nymph, you are angry
(YYY at work)
(xxx is printed on Skype)
Please don’t write me yet.
Okay, you can write
YYYY: Skype is chewing something. I turned off the sound on the notepad, and it still tickens when messages come
XXX: Did you set it up?
A: Do not write
YYY: Now write it up :)
xxx is true?
YYY: Write now
xxx is true?
YYY: Write now
The xxx :)
XXX: I don’t remember what I wanted to write.
A: Do not write
The devil!
yyy: I turned off the sound noise in the drivers, and it still does not turn off
(xxx is printed)
YYY: Do not write!and
YYY: Now write it up :)
xxx: I wanted to say, maybe it's not from the comp sound comes, and Skype is on your phone? and :)
You are a genius :)
XXX is :D
Today they told the mother of the twins that she needed to build a monument. She said on the #$% monument - I would sleep...
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In Germany, a movement that condemns support for Kiev is gaining momentum. This is largely facilitated by former Soviet citizens who moved to Germany during the years of tectonic changes, as well as the descendants of German anti-fascists. Now even the possibility of forming a volunteer battalion named Ernst Telman to send in aid to the warring southeast is being discussed.
The world has gone mad, the Germans are now going to Ukraine to fight against fascism.
"Traffic safety is above all
Respect for other drivers.
I feel full responsibility for my passengers.
I am always attentive and kind to pedestrians.
Children and the elderly don’t always see and understand the danger.
I fully recognize the right of the cyclist to use the road.
I am driving in a sober state.
If you do not like any of these principles, you can immediately postpone this book and do something more useful for you. Driving is better not to learn. Obtaining rights will be an unhappiness for both you and everyone else.
(c) the first page of the textbook of the PDS of the USSR 1989
I: When you get married, you will have a husband.
Girl: Another quote from Statham?
Playing with the French. What do they hope? We have dogs in our team!
Comments on the erotic video, where the girl in the swimsuit gradually dresses under the shower:
The water is hot, and the water is hot.
Relating to the former:
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Have you consulted a person before making a decision about his life? "Yatakresilasa, but now it is your head will hurt how to solve this problem"
I propose to put “mama” on the spot, buying the child and her ticket to the entrance to Disneyland, for “tomorrow”. Give the child to the mother. Let herself explain why she can’t take her child to Paris by paying for the plane and hotel tickets, and getting a Schengen visa in 12 hours. Do not punish the child with disagreements with the former, and when she breaks out for five minutes, offer to take the child to himself, for example, in a month. Would you want to go too? Let yourself travel and documents, it is not for her, but "for the child".
The child cannot say no, let him learn not to say yes.
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Fighting with the former is like throwing a shit: even if it melted, it was all gone. Minimize communication to "hello/so far/understand yourself" - and you will be happy. If you are a good father, regularly see your child and he sees that you are not a fool - no sting will convince him. If you’re stupid, don’t you care?
Commentary on the permit for driving robots
Searches in the future:
How to get a root on a car
- download the firmware to pass on flashing green and yellow light;
Incorporate the outputs;
- permission to turn to the left from the extreme right strip;
and etc.
Writing with a friend.
She: Yesterday at home I managed to fuck about the doorstep. by Ibn Spina.
Now I have such a long bleach in the spine area, it smells like a tattoo. very beautiful. And now it will be yellow and green, and there will be a look at all.
I: Listen, maybe you were cursed? Well, that’s what... (the girl just broke her legs).
She: It is not cursed, it is called in ordinary people "Razyebayka". I even know where it all comes from within me.
A person whose mother in the country rides in rubber boots in the bathroom in order to find out whether the ice is frozen or not, I think there are no other options.
Her sister, by the way, also began to appear, but she does not break herself. The world around you. A man who in one (one) week managed to burn two new ones (!!!) Microwaves, one multivark and one stove, I applaud standing.
Now the whole family is wondering which side it will take next. The fire of fire, as if it had already conquered us.
What do you think of this offer?
"Hermatising the garage from nutria, by stretching with a metal sheet"
What is the "unity of SI"?
One roll of Blue Isolate.
The urn burned in the smoking room. smoke-smell.we put it out on the street and we stood-smoking.a tortured colleague comes out of the office, fills all this matter with water from the theater, with a breath asks "Well, the horses will not jump anywhere?" and floats back into the office. We are standing, rugged))