— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155534
I worked 20 years ago as an inbound enicacher in several offices.

In one of them, a very harmful woman worked as the chief economist. She was already over 50, so her pension is actually here.

And the whole office didn’t love her very much. Why I didn't like it I understood when I became a participant of events.

At that time, it was often that there was one computer with a printer for the entire organization, and everyone worked on it in turn, doing what they needed. And this economist, as I have already said, was in the age, the computer did not want to master at all, the hell knows what this devil-machine counts there, so she wore her drawings, written with a pencil (it is important), a young girl, let it be Helena, who filled the table in her drawings and printed it, and the economist had already dragged to the director for signature.

The director was mindful, so he read everything carefully, and constantly found mistakes in the type of "Here you wrote 25 thousand, but we should not have more than 17 thousand", after which the economist did not blink with a blink of the eye, cleaned the draft, entered the correct number there and presented the director of the type "but I have everything right here, it is Lenka hernia wrote!"

Lenka was mocked for inattention, Lenka was crying, saying that she had checked everything over and could not be so wrong.

I learned, so immediately Lenke and advised, "And you take and take a photocopy of her draft before you bring."

Well, and literally after some time the story repeats itself, an error in the document, the economist again shows her pencil draft, where everything was supposedly correct at first, and Elena brings and shows a photocopy, from which it can be seen that the draft is then corrected.

The economist almost broke out of indignation. She wrote a letter on behalf of the director demanding that Elena be fired for a set of crimes, for copying confidential documents and for trying to undermine the authority of respected employees. Then it caused a scandal when the director refused to dismiss Elena. And then the whole office headed by the chief, and naturally put the ultimatum to the director: "Either the economist is fired or we are all fired." The director was like the cat Leopold ("Let live friendly!"), did not want to dismiss, because the economist until retirement was literally a year, and she worked in this organization for almost 25 years, but as a result, the economist was fired.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155533
I remember school music lessons: the teacher turned on the magnet and allowed me to put my head on the table, close my eyes and listen to classical music. It was wonderful.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №155532
I am the youngest in the family. The family is big – Mom, Dad, two brothers and two sisters and me.

Vitaly (middle brother) in my childhood often offered me to bet. Everyone knows this, for example, who gets to the pillar first is a good man. Everything in that spirit. I argued about hunting.

Vitaly once suggested that whoever eats more garlic wins. The conditions are understandable, the reward is excellent. Vital offered me to eat garlic first. I took the whole head, divided it into toothbrushes and started eating. One tooth, the second, the third... As soon as he drank the whole head, Vital carefully cleaned the second. Somewhere in the middle of the second head of garlic I gave up - I could not, burned in my mouth, burned inside, wanted to drink, but the rules were forbidden. I said I can’t do it anymore and now it’s my brother’s turn.

Vital looked at it all and said I won because he could not eat so much garlic.

There were also controversies: who sat longer in the bath with cold water on (was all blue), who drank more water (this 3 liters I still remember), who stayed on the snow for longer with bare legs (thank you for not getting sick) and so on.

I always won.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №155531
I have two younger brothers, very young, 12 and 13. Almost all the walks were on me. Here is the story of trust. I am 15-16 years old and I have a cavalier on a motorbike. I go out with the kids, they love transportation. I tell them Oleg drives you only not to tell anyone. Two heads nodded and promised that they would never say a word. He drove off, of course very slowly, I don’t even remember if he started that motorcycle at all. We go home, between them, of course, only talk about "travel" and secret. They both run into the house and shout, “Mommy! We were riding a motorcycle!! Hurry up, but don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret!”Mom with the answer “I won’t tell” looks at me. I got a lot then!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №155530
Xxx: The gamers came to anger to find out that...


[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №155529
A new challenge for 03.

Reason: He behaves strangely.

entered the private sector. Meeting a woman on the way home, she tells her husband that he had been drinking for a few days, and then...

In the house we see a messy sweaty man who turned the room - where the heating boiler stands, ripping off the boiler from the floor.

Doctor Man: What are you doing?

Man: Yes, there... there... there... I’ll remove the tubes, and all...

Man - looking at me - go help... I go into the room, explain to the man that the pipes are cooked, well, etc. Bring the man into the room. The man tells: the boiler was put by the neighbor - the lover of his wife. Well, I installed an ultrasound system there, which through heating batteries lets waves that penetrate the brain. So the wife and the lover want to bring him to the grave.

He gave the man a white A4 sheet from which he safely read several lines.

On the offer to go to the hospital, he replied, “Am I sick?” After a long conversation, he was connected.

Moving to the exit. The patient’s wife goes forward, turns out sharply, and literally pushing me back into the house, says – I won’t go there. The baron came out again. He does not love me. You go, he won’t touch you.

I go out, I don’t see a big barrel. Not seemingly aggressive. The colleagues with the sick go ahead, I go looking around, the barracks behind us. Before leaving the courtyard, I relaxed, turned around, and the cunning creature is already half a meter away from me running on the forehead! Have you ever been bitten by a bear? It turns out that pizz**c is painful. And then you smell the baron. And then he stands and looks harmlessly – as if he doesn’t understand what happened. This is Baron.

The man was taken to narcology.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №155528
The Naked King can only be in fairy tales.

The Naked People.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155527
Drunk with a new girlfriend (known for a month) and dropped a large sum on lottery tickets. We agreed that whoever wins, we will divide the money in half. On the day of the draw, she learned that she won 8,000. I threw half of my friend on the card and wrote, say, hurra, we won! She did not answer. My boyfriend mocked that she dropped half of the winnings, it would be better to take something - she didn't even say "thank you." He told me we weren’t friends. Two days later, a friend came with a envelope — 23 thousand. He also won.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №155526
You should not be called into the army at the age of 18, but at 30. The competition will be 10 people per place, the problem of the evacuators will solve itself. This is a whole year will not be the boss, customers, wife, children, aunt, mortgage, repair... But there is fresh air, good company, you can ride a tank and shoot out of calash... And all on the hollow.)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №155525
Probably everyone has an episode from childhood that is not forgotten, and which still causes painful memories and regrets. It may have had a great influence for a lifetime. It is said that if you share it with someone who has had it, it will be easier. So let’s try.

When I was 9-10 years old, my parents bought me a set of flomasters. They just started selling them, and I crazyly dreamed of them. But I always had to be content with what was left of my older sister, or what was given by someone from relatives or acquaintances. I thought it was enough, and I didn’t even hope. Nobody forbids dreaming, right? And then suddenly I get a large set of flormasters. This was the first miracle.

And I started creating. I built my city for a whole year. There were more than two dozen families. I made them houses, furniture, pets. More precisely, they created all this for themselves, because each resident had a profession and had full-fledged commodity-money relations. I opened a thick notebook, where I set the salaries, prices for each category of goods. The entire economy of the city was developed for about a month. In short, it was a paper-carton resemblance of the current Sims. Everything was painted and cut out with great love in those moments when the sister was not at home, and the mother was either at work or slept off after the shift. Because my sister could ruin my unseen city. And Mom... Mom would always find what was not done at home. Well, in any case, I hid it from my dad. Little of something. In other words, I made out of everyone. The city was placed in a small cardboard box, which I pushed onto my shelf and wrapped with toys on top so that no one could see it.

At the same time, a second miracle happened. I was invited to my birthday with a classmate. It was unusual in itself. I never had a birthday in my life because I was lucky to be born three days after my parents’ wedding anniversary. Therefore, the celebration was annually. But not mine. There were guests. Friends of parents. And I was sitting with my older brother and sister in our shared little bedroom, where the children of the guests, older than I was, were brought and we were given the same plates with food. I still hate my birthday.

On that birthday, a second miracle happened. The parents of the classmates organized for us, invited children, competitions with prizes. Everyone got a gift. I got a big notebook. It was so beautiful, of a gentle blue color, decorated with beautiful shells on each page that I had been afraid to use it for a long time, just picked it up, kissed it and cleaned it back. But at some point the inspiration fell on me, and I, carefully pulling out the letters so that everything was beautiful, began to write in it a fairy tale about a girl who fell into the underwater kingdom, and her numerous adventures there. I wrote for a long time, and I also pulled out of everyone. The notebook was hidden in the same box as the city, because my sister liked to wool my boxes on an object that could hurt me even more and blackmail me.

The city has grown and flourished. Public institutions appeared, children were born and grew up. The lines of calculation between families were extended. The booklet was over, and the wonderful adventures of my heroine were coming to an end.

And one day I came back in a great mood from a walk, and next to the wall closet (oh, horror!) There was a bunch of my toys, ruthlessly thrown off the shelf. Mom arranged the general cleaning, and thoroughly taunted my dad so that he would put the order on my shelf. My hysteria, as always, did not end. All my few treasures, almost without looking, were dumbly divided into two parts and two-thirds flew into the rubbish pipeline. But, as I found out later, I was in vain. The box I didn’t even look into, my city, a notebook with laws, prices and bills, a magical notebook and a new set of flommasters flew into the rubbish pipeline first when I didn’t come. I don’t know if anything changed if my parents looked into that box. I doubt very much. After all, from their point of view, everything I did in my free time was nonsense and rubbish.

No more toys, no more things, I was attached. The city did not. I did not write stories. It was boring and fresh to live. But to be interested in something I have been afraid since then. So is easier. without a loss.

But people, I still don’t understand. How can you do this to children?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155524
XX: They told me a story from my childhood. I was small, I don't know how old I was, my mother urgently needed a few minutes to go somewhere away. And she risked leaving me under the supervision of my older brother. She promptly instructed him, and, among other things, said, “Don’t give him an iris, otherwise he will die!” Probably decided to scare up with the stock. She returns, and – of course – he is on her doorstep with enthusiasm: “Mom, you imagine, I gave him Irisky – and he wasn’t dead!!!”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №155523
My husband and I spoke only in English on Wednesday. Any questions, any phrases should sound only in English, in no other language. We don’t talk on Wednesday.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna