"I will give Harkov in good hands because of the move"
Continued action in Ukraine?
Spanish authorities have pledged to disrupt the referendum in Catalonia.
Not at all democratic. Democratic is to hold a referendum and by the results of voting to declare that the majority for the integrity of the country. It doesn’t matter how you vote, it matters how you think ;)
In modern daily newspapers there are so many holidays that there is a feeling that they are made a spice for alcoholics: there is no reason not to drink!
At work, I also have one - I gave it, I need to chew.
Opening on August 23. I think long. International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Slavery Trade and its Elimination.
Victims of the abolition of slave trade, i.e.
I am quiet.
Is there a sanitary?
There is. This resource seems to have everything but it.
xxx: I was by the way in a strange 24th bus, in which in the cabin on the dashboard the text "Following route No. 817 to the final stop m. "Planetary""
X: I almost went to Moscow.
Yyy: You have found a way to leave Omsk!
I read on a forum about fishing:
XHH: Hosted with friends in Azerbaijan, hunted on a boat for fishing. The most memorable event, how they cooked the saucer, freshly caught (hereinafter a multipost of 2 pages, how it was cooked on the strawberries, which were dried in advance for 2 years, and not purchased strawberries, as they did not lubricate, but IMMENTALLY sprinkled in a pair from the boiling crushed fresh-collected wild pine, what variety of unknown fresh herbs and spices were added to it, as for more than an hour and a half he went out with saliva, looking at the process)...
I’ve never eaten such delicious fish before in my life, except for a 32 ruble canned saura, which is sold in a kiosk near our house.
There are a lot of psychics in the world.
One in three people in the world are crazy.
Talk to me quietly.
Maybe I am one of them.
Call for technical support.
I don’t have the internet working.
Please call your number.
Number of what?
Personal account number, contract number, home phone number - any of them.
- There is no contract number, I can call the home phone.
Let it go.
8 963...
Is this a home phone?
This is my home cell phone.
Comments from Inosmi's website:
How do you know if Obama is lying?
Watch his lips: if his lips move, Obama is lying.
A 4,5-year-old son asks: “Mom, how many teeth does a person have?”
I would say, it should be 32.
Son: How much do I have?
I told him, “Well, you probably have 20.”
I thought. "That’s why I eat so little..."
In Arizona, it is forbidden to keep more than two false imitators in a house.
In Newcastle, Wyoming, you can’t have sex in the refrigerator, in Utah, you can’t have sex in an ambulance.
In Danton Beach, Florida, it is forbidden to pursue public garbage urns, and in another city of the same state - to have sex with wildlife.
And my favorite:
In Hong Kong, a wife can kill a husband who has changed her, but she must do so with her bare hands. A lover can be killed anyway.
There was a very evil boy in the world. And one day, as he walked through the forest, a good fairy saw him.
And the fairy decided to do something good, good for the boy - so that he becomes good.
This appears in front of him:
Hi you boy. I will fulfill your two wishes.
The truth any?
and yes!! to
Take this tail and put it in a tree so that no one can ever pull it out.
It is crazy!! It is fulfilled!!! to
And now, pull it out.
Regarding the different surnames of my husband and wife: my ex-girlfriend’s parents also had different surnames, and she and her sister had the father’s surname. Well, in general, everyone in the village knew them under this name. And one day they caught them at the sale of the selfie. They began to write a protocol — and their mother named her surname — and the protocol was written on her. Then I wrote about it in a local newspaper. But nobody has ever understood what it is for L. Melnikov :)
My ve;brb trolled me with a hammer
If you remember, I have vision -10, I walk without glasses, I see the world blurred, in order to recognize the unexpectedly appeared object, it is necessary to watch for a while.
My men planted hamsters in a ball (green), sent around the apartment to bump, and I was told nothing.
The hamster has a way of chasing human feet. As he sees his feet, he straddles them in his ball.
And here I break up my shopping bags, and under the table something is knocking, splashing, licking, and then from there a green shit of the size of a shelf rolls on me.
Oh wow! The Bible is crazy!! to
Who hasn’t spoken yet?
I think it's easier for you to build a Judgment Day car.
What if she looks at herself and goes to tear the flowers?
Thus, to pretend that it is intended...
There is a little girl, small at all, with her mother in the hand, and joyfully declares - suddenly the hunter runs out! He is shooting the rabbit. Pif-paf, oh-oh-oh! " and without transition falls face to face on the asphalt. It just falls and falls. What Happened? what Happened?! Lenochka - from the asphalt, full of dignity voice: the Rabbit is dead!
Nowadays, the more shavers in the bathroom, the fewer men in the house.
[ +
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It is a shame to confess, but in my youth I made a harsh test to my neighbors, the good was a day-to-day, somewhere around 3 p.m., and therefore caught a minimum of people.
Even earlier at work lessons, our teacher told us that home baths are made of brittle iron, so there is a real danger, sinking a hammer into the bath, to split it apart.
And I needed to remove the bathroom from the apartment for the washing.
I was, of course, not able to pick up this hundred-pound enamelled monster on my own, and there was no one to help me at the time, because I just moved and didn't know the locals yet.
With sin I half-wrapped this bath in the room, turned it down to the bottom, grabbed the protective glasses, took in my hands a healthy column, brought for this purpose from the country, and, swung up, stumbled on that bell.
It is not necessary to say that I am deaf: it seems to me that even the cockroaches in the basement, located four floors below, were deaf from this directed monstrous sound wave.
The bathroom, surprisingly, stood, but my hearing and the psyche of the neighbor living on the floor below - not very. She felt like I had broken down the walls.
In short, it was our worker.
In order not to pay penalties for violations taken by automatic cameras on the road, it is recommended to stick the sticker "Rhotoshor" on the front glass.