— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You can inquire about the prices for "faces" in the area of the late 90s and try to imagine the way of development of computer technology, without terrible pirates in separate Russia.
For many years, the hoodies have taught ordinary users that there is only one operating device, one office package, one graphic editor, and only the most recent versions of the cosher (until now it is considered to use the latest version of Photoshop for several thousand backs to reduce the size of the photo). While the bourgeoisie, forced by copywriters to count every penny, actively sought, or even independently wrote, the most suitable programs for them, thus systematically developing the entire software industry, we generally did not develop anything but pirates. Finally, the programmers were achieved by the domestic educational institutions, which became the state. The money was to educate the population to the software products of strictly defined firms, which these firms were, of course, very pleased. But the management of the enterprises, which found out that, for example, their hose-designer, in order to remove the drawing of a wooden drawer, needed a super-popper drawing package worth ten such drawers annually - was not pleased. Added to the drama the inseparable alloy of stupidity and uselessness of our men and officials, who joyfully rushed to find "cybercrime" where it suddenly became possible (even when in their office such crimes were on every computer).
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna