— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Mich1: How do you understand it? If two people hit one with their hands and feet, he has no right. I am protected from the laws of this kingdom. And with these ugly ones "to be reconciled" shouldn’t we sit down? Well well well.
White Dragon: They do not hit, but beat. Nuances as they say. That is, if they had fallen and already lying beats, then you can get what is and apply without any hassle. You have to think. One thing has crashed and crashed, another thing has crashed and crashed. Everything is difficult. This is also necessary to prevent abuse.
Mich1: That is, an ordinary, untrained and legally illiterate person when attacked by two with striking legs and hands, in a stressful situation should clearly realize that he is beaten, beaten or pined, is it dangerous for his life or there is a possibility of getting rid of bluets, and only after that to think of the line of defense - to apply, not to apply, or wait until the skull breaks? How difficult all this is.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna