— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ten years ago I had an experience of interacting with Sberbank. I had to exchange three packs of hundred ruble notes for larger ones. At that time, the amount is decent.

I ran to the bank, and there the cashier, suddenly, a guy. He sits behind an armor glass. I give him three packs of hundreds and I ask to exchange them for big ones. And he tells me with a human voice that, say, this exchange is worth some percentage (I don’t remember for years, but about one or three).

I began to get outraged and accuse them of usurpation and, in general, of expropriation (he-he, the bankers, ah). He said he would bring me some orders or rules there and familiarize me with them, so that I knew how to disconnect important people from work and in general.

While he was walking, I had nothing to do with studying all kinds of information sheets. The cashier came, showed me a document of some sort, where, indeed, it is written that, anyway, a percentage is taken for such a service, and everything is serious. But as I read the sheets, I read that old notes are exchanged for new ones.

What is the percentage of exchange?

This operation is without interest.

I get one hundred, tear off a piece of it, put it in a bowl. I look at him a lot:

- I have three packages of very old bills formed here, can you change?

Okay, I understood everything. Don’t just scratch more. What kind of bills do you need?

That time I managed to change the slides to large without commission, registration and SMS. I don’t know if this would happen now, or if they would recognize me as a terrorist, but then it happened.

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