— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Don’t crush the entire police together. Literally 2 hours ago, representatives of our militia picked up a drunk man on the street, looked through their pockets, found a passport and brought it on a checklist. They handed away the phone, the documents, and everything that fell out of their pockets. They helped bring into the house, and they did not say a rude word, and they did not ask for money.
In about 20 minutes, an ambulance arrived (which was recommended to call the police immediately), worked very quickly, helped to pump from burns and alcohol poisoning.
Thank you for working so well with us! (John of Tyumen)
I’m sorry I didn’t offer you tea and money, sorry, I was shocked that a loved one was in such a situation! Thanks to you. The most human thanks.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna