— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Alone in the Dark:

The game is shit.
This is such a fucking shit that takes horror.
I barely resisted not to remove this terrible shit after learning that the main character must be blinking by hand (!!!!!!!). Instead of entering the atmosphere and being afraid of terrible cracks, I fucking my brains by continuously pressing the X key.
The management in the game was written by a herd of stubborn alkashi, who had just replaced the Soviet excavator, in which the former colleagues broke the instrument panel with a iron concrete spade. I have never seen such a curved console port. That is, in general, as much as I play video games, for probably ten years, I have never seen more dumb management. Is it possible for a mentally healthy person to wrap the combat stands on the mouse and turn on the keys? This is the one who will see from the side, how I catch my mouse around the table like a fucking, and at the same time even blink by the hand, it is a shit, comrades! Finally killed the moment when you had to jump out of the hose, the PrintScreen key. Printscreen is shameful! How to shoot the screens? Rethinking the shit? And I still have the face of a flat shoppedec - a curved translation of buttons in the menu, occasionally changing to Aoieuae 0 with an emphasis on each letter placed above the Italian.
The authors should instead of the main menu to insert some arkanoid on the entire screen with a single button "exit", then it would at least be possible to play.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna