— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Readers: Children are great!
Skynet_NK: Yes It is so. I went with my older son to work for my wife. My son was 5 years of power. On the ring of the Home of the household, we were several times very seriously cut by the nine with the small-eyed mirrors of the rearview. Miracle the driver at some point was out of reach of my anger (with my right side). Then I said the phrase to myself "the mirror would break him for unnecessary". I feel in the cabin somehow cooler and hearing increased, and then the sound of a blow and falling on the asphalt broken mirror. I thought it was I who struck him and looked into the right mirror... I only noticed how the plastic machine, which my son held in his hand, hides in the innermost of the car through the window and the son’s phrase “Ready, Dad.”

Now imagine the man’s reaction. I was driving, I was driving. I cut someone a couple of times. And here and this someone opens a window, the machine is lifted up (in modern fashion made under the actual) and from this machine you are shot a mirror. The guy warned.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna