— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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5 minutes of knowledge. You have asked:

Dennis: Everyone probably knows that vegetables and fruits are especially grown delicious so that they are eaten by some animal and then pumped them with seeds elsewhere, promoting their spread. But who does chili pepper count on?? to

Answering (according to JJ flavorchemist materials):

Capsaicin - a substance that provides a sharp taste (heat receptors irritates, hence a burning sensation on the mucous membrane) Receptors, to which capsaicin can bind, are in all mammals. But the birds are not. Birds do not have teeth. There are mammals.

The probability that the seeds of pepper will pass through the digestive tract of the mammal whole and unharmed is very small - the seeds are basically chewed. If the bird is eaten, the chance of survival is much greater. In other words, if the pepper is eaten by the horse, it will not leave offspring. And if we paparazzi, then everything in his descendants will be okay. According to another version, capsaicin protects peppers from the fungus that affects the seeds. This, however, does not cancel the above.

This is how the clever peppers in the process of evolution learned to produce a substance that allows to scare off everyone except potential seed bearers. Then the man came and said, “This is a spice! " and it ruined everything.)))))))

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