— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №54424
If you leave the task now, then it will come in the form of a problem.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №54423
Our town is small, but as they say very close to the golden end.
of Moscow. For some it may be a plus, but for us, the Aborigines, it is a whole trouble. Starting with 6-metre fences everywhere and ending with the complete impossibility to issue any documents - these beings performing the state will, we, the poor Aborigines of the Moscow suburb, for some reason categorically refuse to notice. For my problems, it was especially painful to communicate with our BTI, getting a certificate or a calculation became almost impossible due to queues, non-working reception windows, etc. Particularly different in ham behavior was the head of the local BTI. Call her
by Lucia Pavlovna. "Love" we love each other untoldly - as we see each other - so immediately we chew. Oh well okay. My wife and I went to Italy.
And our niece works as a governor in an elderly English family.
Come, he says, to the villa, the boss went with his family to Bristol, I am alone, help at least with the garden. Do you want to give a couple of days to a nephew? We went to Tuscany, in Pisa we looked to take a photo and to the evening in a taxi and on the villa to my niece. Good villa, beautiful, almost like us in the town with Alika, the director of the market. Morning decided to walk around the resort town. We go out - and to meet us on a three-wheeled bicycle loaded with bags familiar harya (bikes in this town is one of the main means of transportation). Lucia Pavlovna - what a joyful meeting, how the head of our BTI earned money and bought the house here for modest labor! Lucia Pavlovna, do you want us to photograph you in the background of your apartments? ha ha! I think the professionals of Giro d’Italia and Tour de France can stand and applaud the shooter that a fifty-year-old woman on a three-wheeled bicycle arranged in the hill. At least the Negroes, who traded a fake fig like Whitton right from the asphalt, friendlyly applauded such a spectacle. Of course, I was later explained how many such BTI chiefs live in this town of Forte-dei-Marmi, how and where the villas of their immediate chiefs, including the governor of the region, as well as the relatives of our honest and unsubordinate leaders, correct oligarchs, etc. stand. And as long as, in the sight of their compatriots, these figures will not arrange the finals of the stages of Giro d'Italia in the hill on three-wheel economic majors - it will be useless to talk about any real fight against corruption.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №54422
The current power, as promised, managed to morally unite Russia.
Against myself...

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №54421
The Prehistory:
Our HR department is divided into two cabinets, one of which has a faster printer with the ability to print a3, the other - a printer / scanner / copier.
The department with a faster printer began to chase the second department, which type they are noisy and in general, "go away from their print"...
In short, a left party cell was formed inside the chicken.
Here is how Catherine solved the problem:

Dear colleagues,

Printers, copying machines and other devices are in the use of the Department of Personnel Work without division into rooms and subdivisions.

As I think, we are all mature enough and intelligent people, able to avoid the formation of belonging to small groups on a territorial basis. If we proceed from the pattern that the smaller the group, the higher the internal loyalty, the more autonomous should be the I with the fish.

I ask you, if possible, to contain the ownership impulse and avoid dividing into the “room with a faster printer” and the “room with cabinets”.

If you need to be friends against someone to form a cohesive team, I suggest that you all be friends against internal audit. They are close and ask a lot of questions. I can arrange with Vasily to run to our printer or xerox from time to time to maintain the tone.

The Best Regards,

HR Director

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №54420
On September 19 in Nizhny Tagil, with Lenin, was detained Wahhrushev Semen, 1992, who sold... hallucinogenic mushrooms for ten rubles per piece! Wachrushev was very healthy and very resistant. It turned out that he still had seven hundred pieces at home, part he wanted to sell, and part to eat.
In the history of the Foundation, this is the first case of the detention of a fungus. At the rehabilitation we had one such, bitten by mushrooms, he was very quiet, shy, and in his eyes, not ceasing, a distant light burned.

[ + 92 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №54419
Funny but fact:
Vasya Popkin in Google Translate translated as Test User

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №54418
XXX: What are you busy with?
YYY : I am tired. I recently changed the car and the suspension was broken. I decided to change the stabilizer. In common eggs.
X: What kind of car did you take?
The Hyunday Terracan.
xxx: So now everyone and say "I changed eggs to cockroaches".

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №54417
staseg ran to the toilet, fiercely scratched the cockroach, wiped his ass, washed and ran for the computer.
d0lboiob: Yes But the pants have to be removed at some point.
Staseg is fucking!!1111Adinadine

[ + 58 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №54416
Pharmacist: We usually sell condoms on Fridays and test on Mondays!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №54415
Kaplunoff: By the way, you don't know where to go with a girl in the evening that would be cheap to sit down for something to drink and what would be the romance there and all that?)
Alexander: Come home to her!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №54414
xxx: standing on the street near work, looking at the trees and thinking "eh, autumn... beautiful".
You’re standing in the office next to the window, looking at the same trees and thinking, “Bla, four more hours.”

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №54413
I need help from the forum! Yesterday, the girl was supposed to come to me... the last time I called at 18:00, I promised to be in an hour. He opened the champagne, covered the table, lit the candles. I wait, the time goes: 19... 20... 21 hours... the phone is unavailable, it is impossible to call her! I ate champagne in one haru. I’m sitting, I’m dumb: How cruel this world is!" I’ve written her a bunch of text messages that she’s so crazy... and I’m like D'Artagnan!
Shortly after 8 in the morning, reports of the delivery of these text messages began to come.
At 9 o’clock in the morning I get a text message from her, literally: “You’re a stupid pidaras! I spent the whole night in the elevator at your entrance. You didn’t even feel like I was in trouble!"
Oh, yes: the elevator tried to make me clean her shit on the newspaper from the elevator
Fuck what to do? Satisfying or Satisfying?


[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №54412
XXX: Mishana has returned from the trip. I have been in Colombia for the last two weeks. He says, now for him a completely different meaning has the saying "we sit on the trail";

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №54411
XXX was today. I connect the girl, attach the cable. An alcoholic woman comes out of the neighboring apartment. He asks you do? I connect the internet. In what apartment? In the 149. and Aaaah. The girl lives there. A good girl. It just fucking fucking. I just shrugged there.

xxx:I explain how to use the internet, and I think "in the ass fuck, in the ass fuck, in the ass fuck..."

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №54410
I work at SC.Hard working day, patience at the outcome. calls client(s):
Q: Hi to you! What is "Nokia"?
I am: Yes. I listen to you!
Q: What is your work schedule, on what days?
I: - from Pn to Pt and so on...
I put on the phone and in 5 minutes:
Q: Hi to you! This is Nokia"s "Say, do you repair the phones that fell into the water?
I: Yes, but it is already paid and not a guarantee repair.
In 10 minutes:
Q: Hi to you! Is the Nokia Model 6700 plastic or iron?
I am metal, but there are plastic parts. Can you call once and ask everyone, instead of calling back every 10 minutes and not distracting us from work?
In five minutes:
Q: Hi to you! What is "Nokia"? Tell me, please, you say that the Nokia 6700 model is iron, so why is it not attracted by a magnet?
I: - 0_0 Meaning of why?! to
K (with a mourning voice): - Well he lies in the river, I attached a magnetic to the rope and I try to get him, and he doesn't want to be attracted.
After 10 minutes of ringing the phone, the customer did not call again =)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №54409
Sometimes the alarm clock rings in the morning, you look at it and think:
I slept with these couples.! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №54408
Here in Facebook came up with a new slogan for the Xbox - "Play in the box". is magnificent.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №54407
Do they all go to Foursquare? In ten years, graduates will write letters of thanks. Thus will they write: "the worshipable caspadine menizder abrozavaneya!...";;

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №54406
My husband cut the sausage and asked me:
Man: Is it enough for us?
I’m not going to be a sausage, you’ll definitely have enough.
Husband: Okay... and cuts off a few more things...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №54405
Niki: And in fact I started to notice that she doesn’t eat at all... on the village diet?
Yes, you know her appetite. She just noticed that she ate a lot...and you know what she did? I found a large bowl, measured that there is a full plate of soup and now pretends to be sitting on one tea...and everyone praises her, said the good guy, took the mind...
Nicky is a pipe.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna