— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148285
See also: Warsaw
vvv: I try to understand what the new development of the Poles - "military pile"
Vvv: And here it comes to me that it is Warsaw...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148284
I came to the director with the application for the dismissal of the PSG, when he spoke to the trainee that it was not possible to work with fools. I probably broke his lesson.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148283
So your paintball has about the same relationship to real fighting as curling.

But still more than painting the grass and melting the plate with a break.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №148282
He did not let go of the fire, but also of the three firefighters.
The monument was built on the photo of Raising the Flag at Ground Zero. Indeed, there are three white people, Wikipedia knows their names. But the monument did not want to be made as a monument to these three firefighters who heroically saved people, but as a monument to the victims of the September 11 terror attacks. That’s why they wanted to make a white, black and Mexican there, because the tragedy affected everyone. What caused the public debate (unwise, if you change the characters, where are the Chinese, women, children, disabled people, foreign tourists and everyone else who also suffered?) In 2001, the project was not implemented.
However, in 2007, a small monument was installed "To Lift a Nation", based on the same photo, the same 3 people stand in the same poses. It is dedicated to the firefighters who died on September 11 and generally all the firefighters who die every year in rescuing people.

So calm down, you are right.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №148281
Those who fight for any rights should never forget that the rights are always accompanied by a "free" appendix in the form of obligations.

Do not forget that there are people for whom your duties are privileges.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148280
A generation has grown.
and ==
The price of bitcoin has fallen sharply, apparently because some Vasya Pupkin from the village of Gadjukino, who for a long time did not dare to throw all his savings into this cryptocurrency, still decided to take this step.
and ==
Who doesn’t know about the guy with the backs. He bought the battles.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148279
by Zakalebas

>> Your posts about puer can’t be read without matte.

Oh! Someone has a bomb!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148278
A girl from the neighboring office looks up and, shaken in the eyes, says with a sweet voice: "Boys, maybe someone will help us with a bottle?"
Yuri is so upset with a smile in 32 teeth: “I! It is on my part, you will not find a better specialist!”
After 15 minutes comes, sits quietly... We ask, said, that was washed, and he sadly says, “They brought a bottle of 20 liters of water, it was necessary to drag it to the floor...”

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148277
Somehow I don’t understand the strife that they told me about the fact that the last Russian emperor was someone there... Well, that’s... Apart from marriage. What a nightmare!
The first Russian emperor, Peter. The first, the Great, carried everything that moves to the right and to the left, even being married to Catherine the First, with whom they had, they say, Love. So this is the same number, she sent him freelin herself when she could not be with him, and nothing. But the country grew, modernized in a short time, the fleet created, the seas for the country opened, showed Kuzkin the mother, in short.
And, when I read about the last emperor, there is an image in my head: a monkey inherited a nuclear reactor (yes, needs repair and rework) and turned it into a grenade. And when it became clear what it was, "Oh, it was all!"
Who should worry about who he was sleeping with?? to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148276
Next time for coffee. In front of me are a couple of very business-like uncles. and further dialogue.

Do you think we can deal with them? Or they included in the contract in the section of "force majeure" such items as the attack of aliens and the destruction of the Ring of Almighty.
Well, since the Ring of Almighty is indicated, it should definitely be trusted. At least for the first Hobbit.

The Stranger – Stranger

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148275
and Danone:

Argument, if it is not possible. But those who are really harmful, 1-2 in a hundred, the rest survive.

This is "Maybe" At the same time, headaches begin, as if not in themselves, libido falls, and so on. The effect of prolonged use, again, is not very well studied. I have to endure all this and hope that in the future nothing will come out, because someone is 2% more pleasant without rubber? Go somewhere further away. You may think that I am out. Well, okay, I have a understanding and caring partner for 10+ years, without your shit I will do anything.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148274
Logic in the family:
Smokers suffer from bronchitis.
Only prostitutes smoke.
I: So is bronchitis a disease of prostitutes?
Natasha, are you normal?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148273

No, I understand – maybe, and, indeed, were not protected. One girlfriend had such a case in her youth. With the guy, the dark evening flowed smoothly into a horizontal position, and then suddenly it turned out that he did not bring rubber. You see, he is uncomfortable with them. The feelings are not. To her outrage, he replied, "Well, you are blowing an elephant out of the fly!"When she said, "And really, why do we have another Gondon if you are there," he was upset and left.

Learn, local chickens, what to do in such cases.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №148272
If she has talent, she makes masterpieces, then she will become famous and the stars will stand up to her in a row.

is wrong. If she can sell her masterpieces. Now with this a little easier, there has been a Fair of Masters, where you can start selling something and make yourself a name. Previously, there was no such thing, and it is unlikely that there will be a solvent demand for any housewear. Among the poor in general, hand-made is not fully valued, factory things from the Chinese market are always better than "self-made" and "self-made". I was convinced by my experience: well, I wrap carefully. She wrapped some things as a gift from "Dawali raw materials", according to her own ideas. The people were pleased. But on the order for the money tried once, and then unsuccessfully - the result did not like, dissolved, money did not get, of course. I am no longer connected. It is expensive for customers, demand is more than limited, and earnings, on the other hand, are monetary.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148271
The Crisis

XXX: And here she plays Yagu.It looks pretty bad in the film studio with the frames
YYY: With the awakening! Millar has been dead for 15 years.
zzz: Hi and you, the alien from 2008.

In one you are right, hot Finnish guys - after Millar Yagu play no one.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148270
Everything is fine in this story, especially the last paragraph:

Mark, I can say, was lucky. He might have been without his bitcoins because of his own carelessness, but he managed to get them back. The fact is that in 2016, he invested several thousand U.S. dollars in bitcoins, after which with the rise of the exchange rate began to make a profit. Mark spoke to experts and he was advised to keep his cryptocurrency on a hardware wallet, which was subsequently bought for $100.

To better protect his coins, he came up with a PIN code and a 24-word password that is needed to restore access to the funds if needed. Mark recorded all the data on a sheet of paper. But this sheet turned out to be thrown into the garbage by overly active cleaners.

At first, the owner of the hardware wallet did not consider this a problem, but then realized that he could not remember the pin. First he tried to recall it himself, then contacted the support service of the company that produces the wallets. He even turned to hypnotists, believing that they would help restore the code.

Eventually everything ended well. Mark was helped by a 15-year-old hacker. He understood the design of hardware wallets and found a way to restore access.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148269
xxx: We computer scientist was %) half a word frozen, a minute or two silent. We had time to laugh and forget about her, and she suddenly turned on and continued to talk from the same place.

YYY: It looks like an update. Informatics is

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148268
The laws, in general, are equal for all.
For the poor there are prosecutors and judges, and for the rich there are lawyers.
There are lawyers for the poor too. Only they are free.
There are also judges and prosecutors for the rich. On the contrary, they are paid.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148267
A lot of young singers appeared.Looking at them Pugacheva probably thinks you get older Maxim.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №148266
When I was a child, I learned that being a mother is a must. She is always evil and argue. You have to be a dad, go to work, and then play a computer game.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna