— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №48084
Go and go to Pop.
He: Are you silent?
I am in the ass, forgot?
He: And that the net is not catching?

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №48083
From Habr:
Linux Mint 11 “Katya” Released
Ofigenen: Mom would be glad that I finally got some Katya. and :)

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №48082
It is normal when this goat met me at the airport with a scream at the entire arrival: "Natasha has arrived!!! Now I’ll have sex, pants and clean socks again!!!"???? to

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №48081
RJ45 is urgent. I need help! Send it to everyone, please. A child (23 years old) urgently needs a BMW X6 and a 3-bedroom apartment in the center! This is NOT SPAM!
[brain_is_fallen]: xDDDDDDDD
[brain_is_fallen]: fuck you shit shit shit! ?
[brain_is_fallen]: I fucked a cigarette, and now the coffee monitor wipe off
[brain_is_fallen]: and half the table at the same time =.=
RJ-45:... *Pardon*

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №48080

Blonde Xiu: Again in love is not lucky( Again married( All guys are like goats!!!!!! to
My brother is gay. A mountain of muscles under two meters in height, a professional kickboxer, on the face of a predatory skull. He loves the boys of the emirate. So here. Every time he wants to get acquainted with a favorite copy, they scratch from him, be healthy. There is no human relationship. This, I think, is not lucky in love. You have life’s little things.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №48079
Third hour of class. Everyone is tired. The leader draws a diagram on the board, a circle and another circle inside it. And he asks with a joyful voice: "Well? What does it look like??" And then there is a quiet sad voice from the audience: "On the..."

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №48078
Depression is when you buy a ring and it’s just for you.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №48077
KaneUA, 23 December 2010, 03:21 # ↑
+ 35
Yes, it is really madness.
I called the provider for technical support. I was told that I don’t have such a Skype on my computer. It was like that two hours ago.) I was interested in how to put the right one, one faithful and Orthodox. I started explaining about the Start button and IE. I listened and said I don’t have Windows. “What?” asked a tech-support girl. I said it was Linux. “I’ve never heard of Windows before,” she replied. I also added that I have a pirate assembly of screws and I need to put a face, remove viruses and reinstall Skype. I started explaining that Linux is not Windows. “How? After all, without Windows, the computer doesn’t work!” I decided to call someone more competent. The man’s voice answered. I asked if they accidentally blocked some port during today’s maintenance (we had one that the provider closed the port by which browsers turn off). He replied that if they turned off one port, I’t have all the programs. And only Skype. I had to explain what ports are on the fingers. However, a tech support worker was relentless about the problems on my computer and asked me to remember the password and not do nonsense. After half an hour the phone ringed. The same man from the tech support asked through which ports Skype works, or there is nowhere to talk.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №48076
Ura and I had a terrible story at work!)
Gene Deer calls on the phone.
D ( The Director )
D is smoke?
I – No
D by Nikita?
I am not!
I am a crazy... (Guddy)
Call in a minute.
D to Vlad?
I am yes.
D is cruel! ( the guts )

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №48075
Shakes of cooked condensate... out of a bowl, a spoonful, without bread, immediately on the tongue to smell...

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №48074
C-K> Just saw the announcement – cutting down trees, dismantling houses.
C-K> Anxiously expected to see - murder of sons

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №48073
He went upstairs to smoke and took his cell phone. Two men on the floor smoke and talk loudly. I stand quiet, they do not realize my presence. On the sound of the smski I have such a powerful blow of gong, the acoustics at the entrance is good.
I get a smoke.
The guys suddenly tick, ten seconds silent, after which from above it is heard:
On the way, the corshun on the rubbish pipeline flew...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №48072
xxx: Hi) now on the first channel showed how a man made a swallow from a tire)))
Thank God it is not the opposite.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №48071
hozzzar: And I was asked yesterday: 32 is 86 or 64?
hozzzar: years ago I would have stumbled into such a question

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №48070
My uncle in the car is attached not for safety, but, as he says, that in the event of an accident it is shit not to wash the whole car, and so, the seat is clean and orderly.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №48069
In the 1970s was released almost the first Soviet directory of programmers, which was called "All about automated control systems". In short, it was called "All About ASU". When pronounced in the rhythm of the usual conversation, instead of the title of the book, there was a threat.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №48068
The second half about the birth of the child:
"It was you who compiled it! I only gave the originals!"

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №48067
How many beds do you have?
Fuck, I'm sitting thinking, I'll answer a two-bed - will think that I want to engage in a relationship, I'll answer a single-bed - will think that I'm sewing.
I’m proud to say, half a flame!
She: is it how?
I: This is when you can greatly stretch away, but there was no desire to stay.)

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №48066
I wanted to take the sausages, I put them in the refrigerator - no. Then I decided to make butter with oil. I took the oil, unfolded the packaging, and there... the sausage. Smart mother, smart mother.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №48065
You do not know German?
YYY: What do you want?
xxx: I need a couple of lessons - expanding the vocabulary and correct pronunciation
yyy: remember: "noch ein mal" - "yet again!",ja - "yes" ))
xxx: I still need "stronger", "faster", "bolder" and "how big")

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna