— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №34938
Emotion: Ca4ok> who are you by horoscope?
Ca4ok: Emotion> pasquade

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №34937
Fuck he knows. I ate yesterday peelings, cake and chips and fucking every half an hour.

The shit shouldn’t have eaten.

[ + 54 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №34936
by Stanislav_m
I recently watched an English movie, in which the same topic was obsessed, but in Britain.
He inherited a shoe factory from his father. He received the order not to close the factory and not to dismiss the workers. But the factory is on the verge of bankruptcy, as it cannot compete with cheaper shoes from Asia. After a long process, the new owner found a creative move. He started producing shoes for pedestrians. Men tend to weigh more than women and Asian shoes do not withstand such loads unlike British sharpened under quality.
The meaning of the film was that justice prevailed. But only I didn’t know where to get the pedics for the other factories?
by cmpou:
The fate of the western economy is in the hands of pedics.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №34935
*Humble*: I saw tiny Acer laptops for 15,000. They are such anyanya, but I never figured out why I needed them.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №34934
XXX is fun! A girlfriend called. They recently bought a car. She took her papers to see...
xxx: There in large Russian letters is written: car "Huydaj"

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №34933
The Red Tank:
What is done with people. Now the slug, on a terribly screaming skateboard, clinging to the neck of the stool and chanting it like horns forward, passed through the corridor under the cry of "Adun Toridas!" Next, in an attempt to keep the balance, furiously waving the hands in which the extenders were pressed, not less furiously, the electricist drove on the clips, after which he successfully fucked his forehead into the wall under the replica "Carrier has arrived, Ischk'nu, hoole". A minute later, the admin followed them, darker than the cloud, pushing the server stand in front of him. Looking at our roaring roots, admin said dissatisfied:
Has the hoodie gone out? Good Day Commander. Hall cruise reporting, - after which he knocked himself under his nose. Fuck me, who am I working with? He breathed out and added loudly. "Heyling frequency is open, Tola, fool, open the door or I will shake you up with this yamatagan from the run-down!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №34932
The dollar is the green of the bubble family.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №34931
Once Mutin and Pedvedev decided to sing the pilice in prayer. They calculated the costs and drowned: Does it need IP? They left everything on the net.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №34930
Do you know which key combinations?
yyy:reset + leg

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №34929
You have to drop your torrent rating!! to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №34928
= V! peR =
When I said I didn’t drink... the question asked me just pulled out. I was asked – what happened to you?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №34927
XXX: in short, I stand on the balcony, smoke.From the window view: garbage and sports venue. A man arrives in a car and begins to dig into the garbage...
YYY: rubbing ept

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №34926
Autumn is the time of year when, first and foremost, I suffer from depression, and in the summer it has been so much consumed that the only medicine doesn't work either.
XXX - Drunk
According to Freud, yes

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №34925

Question to Putin:
Do you like the circus?
Especially trained bears.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №34924
on the sofa
in the kitchen
On the balcony
In the sort!
In the Paddle OO
the status of the person who has just bought a laptop =)

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №34923
I came home tired yesterday. I started talking to my wife - well there is a type of business and all that. Go to bed to rest. I continue to talk. My wife looks at me and says, “Why do you fuck my husband?” And I don’t understand what she continues about: Yesterday you came tired and started talking like a deed, and then lay down on the bed and cut off, and then at night you wake up and wake me up and continue to tell 0_0.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №34922
If you want to change the world, start with yourself: change with someone, someone.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №34921
The beginning sounds like a joke, but, unfortunately, everything is real.

A bell at the door. I opened up...!!! My wife returned late.
That she came right away, her wife understood immediately, even from the threshold - apparently, on my face was read a grand trubble, or, more simply, a full p####c. As if answering her silent question, in the bathroom resin the noise of falling water and from there with a cheerful cry of "Fuff!" A newly wiped handsome woman in a short shirt, painted by rabbits among white chamomiles, and with a turban towel on her head. She obviously did not expect to hit me in the corridor, and especially my wife, so the braking path was minimal – she almost struck me, turned red, and stopped like scattered. She did it in vain – of all the clothes on my powerful body there were only shorts, so together we represented an outrageous picture for any normal wife, and even in her own home.

My secular cry: “Hello, this is our neighbor Masha!” and her welcoming
“Hello to you!” It didn’t sound very natural.
The wife’s reaction was instant and unexpected – she quietly rushed past us into the bedroom. "Ulicks to collect" - I thought dullly. Then I realized that the evidence in principle is enough. Just from the window of the bedroom it is more convenient to throw away things that are missing on me.

It would be wrong to say that the wife had stumbled between us – in a narrow corridor it was impossible. But she didn’t even hit us by passing by – she moved with the unmistakable elegance with which in the movie.
The Matrix moves Keanu Reeves, carelessly turning away from the bullets flying in the face.

I wanted to throw off the trick, “Dear, it’s not what you think!” But this phrase seemed too stupid to me, and I just followed. It was worth it: out of the bedroom
“Oh!” Wives and children's loud laughter - there amusedly smiled four newly washed children, completely unfamiliar to her, in the midst of scattered things.
I won’t have colors to describe my wife’s face at that moment. I can only say that she had very large eyes.

The fact that the children appreciated the comic situation from the first second, I have no doubt - since the moment of calling the door instead of the usual noisy sound from the bedroom there was no sound.

Now is probably the time to move the slow preamble. We recently moved, trying to build good relationships with new neighbors.
It is hard – heat, summer. Anyone who could have been removed from the city.
The hot water was also turned off. A neighbor on the upper floor was with her two children and two others, thrown by a girlfriend, in an apartment without titanium and with an air conditioner that died over the summer.
Looking at the tormented by the heat and the exhausted children, she went on a march to the old good neighbors - the owners of these bababas.
This expedition led her, after several closed doors, to the supposed grandmother, the godfather, downstairs, instead of which the door was opened by a not very dressed cloudy man.
I almost had to catch her.

How and why I managed to persuade her to come to visit—whether it was the care of unfamiliar children or the particular charms of the guests in front of my eyes, my acute reluctance to dismantle the clothes of things or the insidious female caresses of a boring neighbor—let each judge according to the measure of his own wickedness. I’ll just say that the question that came to my mind was, “Would you invite her if she was terrible?”
I dropped it immediately. I do not like to freeze.

The current reader will say, “Okay, you’ve almost fled, but!!! to
Why was you in an apartment with a little-known woman almost alone in shorts?"

If you seriously ask me this question, dear reader, it means that the fate of Russia in the summer of 2010 left you very far.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №34920
President Medvedev has changed the name of the militia to police. “At last!” The people gathered in partisan units.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №34919
Putin shut his face with his hands:
Fuck who I have to work with.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna