— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №78463
My mom bought a new car and gave me my old one. I will no longer call him so, I will call him Uncle Oleg.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №78462
I bought a hand and face cream today.
YYY: with Facebook palm oil?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №78461
Somewhere in the late 80s, or early 90s, our dairy industry mastered the production of milk in litre paper bags (like modern with milk / juice), but at the same time they were opened with your hands very easily: first you pull your nose to the sides on one side, then you pull out the resulting triangle and you can pour.
And after a couple of years suddenly started to pour the entire nose with glue so that without breaking the paper to open it became impossible.
And here’s how I remember now – my dad is standing over a newly opened package of milk, with a completely cracked paper nose in the process of trying to open, and to pronounce with a feeling of “aga, again we’ve got something optimized.”

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №78460
At 9 a.m. 3 minutes the perforator whispered and... silence!
zzz: Maybe he has a ringtone on the alarm clock.)

> the Nokia 3310 in vibration mode?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №78459
"Shoigu removed belts with blades"

How to Open Conserves?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №78458
Talk about the bad teaching:
Little thing a man is evil - maybe in the family problems, with a wife or girlfriend.
Or with a guy. I would also be angry if I knew I had a boyfriend.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №78457
I discovered the truth. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought that I had such a big stomach... And I realized that it wasn’t my stomach big, but my breasts are small!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №78456
She stumbled into the nose of a worm, murmured at her mother, and said it was intestines.

You have a rich inner world. How to find you? I would marry you :)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №78455
1: Nasko on the weekend offers some jerk to see the company. Are you with us?
2: guy, do what you want: eat nails, fuck goats, get in touch with UFOs, but don't look at it!! to
One is Oh! I understand it from personal experience.)
2 is yes. Then the call came out and was wildly popular. When we were young, our parents didn’t allow us. And then this man got a cassette and invited me to see. As a child, they were very impressed, talked and went home. came home. Then the phone started ringing. I was tired, but I removed the phone. We are not in the cinema. And from there "the day of the day". I shouted, turned off the phone and ran out to the street. She sat on the bench and cried. Because I didn’t know what was worse: telling my mom that I was watching this movie, or that I would die in 7 days. And here the Tanyuha snatches a zombie walk, also crushed. They were sitting there, waiting for my mother. It turned out that Naskyna was sick, she then flew strongly, but this is Naska, she is all on the drum. I love her sense of humor, but let’s not? and :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №78454
I sit, looking for something new to listen to, and I see on the last FM this is the description of the Finnish metal band:
The name of the group itself seems to tell the listeners that the alcoholboys will be very heavy and the losses colossal. Specifically for the recording of the debut album, the label Cobra Records (he will issue the disc) gave the musicians an advance in the form of 75 liters of selective vodka "Finlandia". Thus, the company plans to accelerate the arrival of inspiration to musicians and get the masterpiece of Finnish heavy rock out.

I immediately went to torrents.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №78453
Maria: I thought Dmitry probably won't surprise me after his birthday congratulations "C and others" New Year's Day was also expected "C and ng";

No, you can’t drink talent. Today sent even more original - "C 08.03"

by behind

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №78452
XXX is
Why are projectors so expensive? Is Nanotechnology Used?

and nanomaterials.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №78451
I see, Peter is very respected by Peter I, but for some reason they forget that Peter did not tolerate neither fools nor ignorants.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №78450
I am a deceitful wife. My husband from the day came on March 8th with flowers, champagne and my favorite cake "Polenica". I fed him the first, second, third and compot, and only when he cut off from satiety and fatigue, I got the cake out of the refrigerator! From March 8th!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №78449
One day I went to my brother for a lighthouse. We sit and communicate. His wonderful wife is preparing dinner. The moment of dinner came and she stretched me a plate of meat with potatoes. I am polite to say that I don’t eat meat.
Brother is surprised:
Are you like a cow? and :)
I am like a bull ;)
And here the five-year-old daughter-in-law with a wide smile says:
He is a goat :D

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №78448
You can call from the bank and say that you are my friend, not my brother.
This is what all these banks have done to you, you are already rejecting your brother.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №78447
We are now looking at children's toys on the "toys site". There is a pot with wheel and wheels.

Is it a shit to go and ride?
I - probably
I have dreamed of it all my life.)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №78446
I’m in the car, playing the radio. The editor reads the text: "The company... congratulates the female half of the fair sex on March 8".
Long thought...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №78445
Do you want chocolate?
2: not
2: And what one?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №78444
A normal man to come home – demanded to eat, fell with a beer to watch football, and then fell asleep – such now less and less. There was some sort of non-drinking, well-earned, attentive to women... thief. Take care of us, Defoe/Babies. Or take your princes and die with them of happiness. Do you eat it?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna