— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26888
by Pg!
Sorry for the sad shit.
But I believe in the magic of Bora!! to
Both my grandmothers are in hospitals. Both have severe cases. Even sick mother-in-law, his wife has teeth (there is no money for treatment).
Blend with wishes for health.
I believe in you!!! to

The Pg:

Public transportation is prohibited from displaying advertisements
of sound. Millions of TV viewers are waiting for the sound in advertising to be banned.
and television. Especially hoping for the introduction of no-sound advertising
The radio listeners.

[ + 96 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26887
In one of the recent shows "Projectorperishilton" discussing the Olympics, guest Sikharulidze says:
In our country there are a lot of talented athletes and coaches.
The Lights:
Why didn’t they go?

[ + 79 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26886
and ‎(2:32):
My brother, 11 years old, is running. He didn’t have enough time to live... and here...

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №26885
Olga told her, a Chinese student asks her: “What is a protein in a cage?” Well, she let him explain, and so, and so, she painted the white on the board, here's such a beast, nuts bite, still Pushkin in the fairy tale - "The white of the song sings and nuts bite everything", but here's the protein in the cage, the cage also drawn, there and there, and there's also the protein in the wheel, it runs there, and there's such an idiomatic expression - "rotates like a protein in a wheel"... And here's the Chinese all this he hears, he's listening, and narrow Chinese eyes he's getting wider and wider... And shows his textbook, on biology. And there’s the title: “Protein synthesis in the cell.”

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26884
Yesterday, in some cases, Putin and Medvedev were chasing to Fryazin, the way there is through Shchelkovo... Well, it is clear that all traffic jams will be removed, etc... but so... In general, in Shchelkovo from the main street (Proletarsky Prospekt) the whole people cleaned up, brought 2 buses of their “ordinary people” (young couples, children, men, women in ordinary civilian clothes) and let go along the prospectus, in the macdake they landed... like local residents.

Is it normal? Are they always running around the world with them?))

Remember the villages. There is little changing in this country.

[ + 69 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26883
What do you want to give for the 8th?
And, by the way, a huge number of guys have the question - WHO?

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №26882
The Matrix
Fuck our grandfather had such a clever Odessa speech.

The Matrix
It warms my heart.

The Matrix
"young man, you know I purchased a satash controller, but it still works badly, so I really know who made it"

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №26881
Humans first saw sperm in 1677. This was Dutchman A. Lewenhoek, the inventor of the microscope.

The Pizza

He invented the microscope and immediately decided to scratch it.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №26880
Anifist: I am in a row at the supermarket today. There were two guys in the back, and they stood close enough to smell the smell of cigarettes. And here I notice that they are beginning to smell me... I didn’t like it very much, and there was a dialogue:
I: What is it about?
What do you do to avoid smelling cigarettes?
I do not smoke...
For the first time I saw a face in which it read so clearly how brilliantly said by me...

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №26879
Books about Marines

“Sir, Russian sailors in such cases say, a full dog, sir.

What does it mean?

The thick north fox, sir


[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №26878
Friends of Siddhartha:
Can I drink your beer? O_O

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №26877
Reply to Question: Why does the Lord eat the messenger of parity?
As usual, the last comment kills the topic:
- Because this guy after sex immediately smokes a cigarette and with careless "Child, money in the jacket", goes to the shower, and then forgets everything at all ))))) Anyone would be upset :)

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №26876
She: It is not fair! You have mind and strength, and me what?
You have breasts!
She is: Dick, if it were!

[ + 96 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26875
So what is your childhood if you never stitched your pencil with a kitchen knife :)

[ + 103 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26874
With a friend, they went for materials to the construction market, the neighbor from above, grandfather, veteran of the WOW, the pipe broke. ZEC, as always, promised to settle, but everyone knows how to do it, wrapped up for a new pipe and crane at the same time, a little tired and on the road took a rye (and we did it before, beer - went today). We sat down and three patassans soon approached us. Whether it is worth to say that they got wild, whether it is worth to tell that it is not necessary to stick to people with a piece of pipe with me I do not know, but a little reason we killed in them. And the pipe did not hurt, a good one was taken, and the key was tried. As a result, the wounds are laid, we helped the veteran, we did everything ourselves without calling any sanitary technicians, we did not take a penny from the one who at his time fought for our future and you know what? For me, this is not a drop! It’s really something bright, we could, and you? Don’t be afraid to help your neighbor, don’t poison yourself with all the shit, don’t be afraid to work with your hands, don’t be afraid to teach the way of life. We could, and you?

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №26873
XHH: I’m cheating on some people!!! to
WOW: What is it?
Yesterday my sister had a snail. I called the Wolf to support her, because I can’t tolerate her friends.
Which is long?
HH: He is the same.
Not only did we eat vodka with him all night, which resulted in me cutting off.
Imagine what I woke up from.
Wow, I guess it already 😉
They broke the bed. With my sister.
My fucking bed!!! to

[ + 104 - ] Comment quote №26872
Something snatches me in the clone :(
Tag: elephant on horse
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I go to sleep, short.

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26871
What if David Blayne and the hypnotizer are placed opposite each other?? to

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26870
My friends, you and I do miracles with our collective mind) it is pleasant))
and now let’s go straight so immediately, globally, let’s focus on peace, love and happiness for no reason) on health, on good mood, strong nerves for all))
Let us focus on fulfilling wishes. Meeting your half! Free from Needs! Always have enough time! On, fucking, the rise of the pebble economy in the country (I don't know how you, and I dream of having enough for lunch in a decent cafe every day) =)
In order that our compatriots become less drinking, so that Russia remains a disobedient and unwavering country.
People should stop being afraid.
How to do something heroic, and just invite a girl to a date.
To stop people pretending what they think of them.)
To make life easy.
Add yourself, I’m not sorry to focus on happiness=)

Simply Alive

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26869
by Toyasuka Toyasuka
I want to eat, but I can’t go from work.( by

Not to eat, but to eat. You are a girl!

by Toyasuka Toyasuka
I wanted to eat about an hour and a half ago. I wanted it an hour ago. Now I want to eat!! What does this have to do with a boy/girl??? You can think I’m fucking fucking!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna