— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №21088
No, I understand everything, of course, but to put in a package with 3 boiled eggs?! Are the chickens so hard there?? to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №21087
MoronicGoer: I went home today. There is a grandmother standing next to the metoo with a bag that contains sausages in the paste...and the inscription on the bag "Be a patriot, don’t eat hot dogs, eat sausages in the paste!!and "
Moronic Goer: I was so overwhelmed by my grandmother with her 20-ruble sausages))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №21086
XXX: Have you heard it? invented a vaccine against HIV.
YYY: I am not interested. I left the big sex.
xxx is gone? Or maybe expelled?
YYY: Maybe they’ve been kicked out...for walking.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №21085
In general, a light flirt of fuckingness is even good, but the balance between this and complete stupidity is extremely difficult and few people succeed!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №21084
And I would like to remind all suffering unemployed economists and managers:

And you remember how 10 years ago (when in every university only opened the most prestigious faculties of economics management) your wealthy moms and grandparents stumbled there for bribery or stupidly went to paid training?

And remember how you then walked as if you, future economists, were all born without a rectum, and the rest of the technicians who were engaged all year to the budget place) looked at as the lower caste?

And remember, boasted of purchased exams and diplomas (after the semester / course) when you did not appear at all in the universe.

So here you get, shit, that’s called Justice!! to

And thank you for not getting stuck with normal faculties, maybe because of this I now have a good job.

Another Energy Engineer

The joke:

To fuck no one on an uninhabited island is the law of life.

But no one will fuck you - Foster's Law

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №21083
to this:

Do we go for a walk tomorrow?
She: Let’s go, where?
He: Poffig, I have a pass...
So, I’m going to go <=)
I realized I was old... o_o

[ + 48 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21082
to this:
"The internet has been used! So when these eagles left, she discovered that the twisted pair going through the room was missed through her new, expensive weight-loss wreath.

And they’ve gotten to the band, didn’t they?

[ + 51 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21081
My former classmate (o) works in a regular high school, studying computer science there. I wrote a book for high school and she asked me to read it. I come to school, I approach the guard (O):
(I): I %my name% to %my group name% (show my passport).
(O) (rewriting my data to the journal): Dear (D) (girl 8-9 grade), take it to 400 offices.
Together with the officer we go to the office. And before I have time to say "Hello", the officer appeals to (c):
Q: Do you know this man?
A : Yes.
D: And from where? I have 5 rubles.
He is my former fellow.
(D) (to me and my acquaintance): You have 5 minutes (prison not to say otherwise, motorcyclists and other b**n).
The guard stands between us, I get the book out of the package. Sooner than I can figure it out, the guard takes a book out of my hands and leaves it as if looking for a bomb in it. Without finding anything, he gives it.
Talked to (O), I go down to the guard (along with the guard), the guard asks me to sign up for the journal because I WAS out of school.
As later turned out to be the chief of the security service, previously worked in the colony as a convoy. And for the students to enter the school, a class leader must come down behind them.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №21080
Rin: I had a blue dream of getting married. Half for whom, only the process itself was needed. Everyone has their cockroaches, of course.
Rin: The guy made her an offer a day ago. There was... a lot, in general) literally yesterday agreed to meet, sit in the cafe, have not seen each other for a long time.
Rin: asked about the details (it’s just visible on her, what she’s right, how she wants to tell), congratulated twenty times, finally asked to show the ring (or darken something, without it)
Rin: gets out of the bag... carefully, with two fingers puts on his palm, glimpses and sinisterly so: "my pre-elessness..."
Rin: You know, I’m sorry for Roma

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №21079
I’ll tell you one secret: programmers don’t know how to use Word.
1 and none :)
Have you asked everyone?:D
1: Well, we have a whole development department forced to write the documentation and everyone is sitting :)
Sometimes it seems to me that the better a programmer is, the worse he works in Word.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №21078
Sometimes the flies burn out!
A friend runs along the bridge, catches up with a haish car (the one runs exactly 60), runs, runs next to them, looks over, he adds a little gas - a gait in the matyugalnik: KУУУУDA!

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №21077
Are you smart enough not to be smart?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №21076
I go out of the subway, at the exit a guy without legs, asks for mercy. He threw a coin and asked, as I now think, the most stupid question:
Do you have difficulty without your legs?
He breathed hard and took a pause. And he spoke:
Wow, to the ground!
He is not optimistic! The young man!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №21075
Experience is when to replace questions what? Where is? When is? How is? And why? The only question is: Nashville?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №21074
A colleague of work tells about how she went to the sauna with her husband. After the story, she gives a phrase - thoughtfully like this:

Now I understand how difficult the work of prostitutes is.

Everything has fallen. and :)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №21073
I got a hat at work.

with logo

Instead of SP?

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21072

In general, child humanism is a very non-trivial thing. I bought cancer this weekend. Antonha was very worried that they were bad in the bedroom, cold, and so on. But without any thought, I threw them into the pot.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №21071
An idiot knocked in the ass:
Free Wind
Do you want me to virtualise you?

I am
Adult transformator bucket, it is time to relieve tension

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №21070
I go to my friend’s car every night.
One car in the photo, and the other in the hole in the garage.

Requirements for the vase:
We will do
Take off, buy
We will try differently.
It’s all simple, breaking up for nothing.

Epithetics for Foreigners
and bleak
The bourgeois fucking
Fuck you get it.
Are you smoking?
You know how much that fucking shit costs?! to
A little more can stretch, and then buy a new, copy.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №21069
In general, girls grow up earlier.
Girls are more beautiful than girls ;)
OVSYAN: and in general, on beautiful girls before there are hunters and all that.
Tatiana: and they are unfortunate 😉
Tatiana is broken!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna