— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144744
The Chinese fake everything they can. They bought a cheap phone, and the Chinese Trojan was originally wrapped in its axis. After a while after the purchase, the phone started mining.
Q: How do you know that the phone is running?
Zzz: He gets new clothes, then a car, an apartment, and he leaves.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144743
Only in our country the informatization and computerization of ministries and departments is accompanied by an increase in the number of officials.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №144742
People who go to work every day often ask:
“How do you, retirees, spend the day killing time?”
For example, yesterday, Saturday, my wife and I went to the city for shopping. We went to a huge shopping center, went around almost all the shops, bought something and gathered home.
As we walked out of the last shop to the parking lot, we saw a police officer issuing a fine for excess parking time. Polite, with a smile, I asked him if he could tolerate two retirees and not write out a fine. Without any reaction to my request, he placed the receipt of the fine under the doorstep on the front glass.
It pulled me out of myself, and I called it an impasse. 
He looked at me with nothing expressive and wrote out another penalty for the wheels down, putting it under the first.
My wife has already intervened. People who know her know - if she starts, it is very difficult to stop her. 
After a short verbal interruption, she told him that he was... for which a third fine was issued.
The more we insulted him, the more fines he issued. 
The whole process lasted ten minutes... 
Then our bus arrived and we went home.
We did not regret the owner of the car, as the sticker "Down Israel" was glued on the rear glass. I support Hamas.”
Oh yeah... 
At our age, it is very important to find various entertainment - we are retired and we have a lot of free time.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144741
Kpacivo live not zappeitiš - on the day of desire ppocitytyky podpyžky ckinylyc and caused you to ask...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144740
Are your designers responsive?
It is adaptive :)

[ + 20 - ] [32 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144739
The most chic for the country is capitalism with totalitarianism + a tough selection of doctors, engineers-constructors, etc. Requires heads on shoulders. There are no abilities - forward to the building, the factory or the garden. You get outraged and rattled right - with a wheel in the camps or under the shooting. Human rights – first prove that you deserve them.

You have forgotten to say WHOM you will prove that you have the ability and deserve the human rights (and how much it will cost you). Thus, we and under the totalitarian USSR had entrance exams to the university, but it happened that the three-year-olds passed them successfully, and the excellent ones fell asleep.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144738
XX: Do you read the diagrams well? I just don’t see them at all and I don’t understand what they are painted on.
xxx: I remember drawing a circle in the RCS and there a rectangle with a circle smaller fit. Type "scheme of work of the geoportal" and then 5 years this illustration went on various articles and presentations. Schematically it works like this.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144737
15:51 - R4nd0om1z3r: still skyrem fun thing
15:51 - R4nd0om1z3r: runs for himself archmag, head of the thieves guild, assassin of the dark brotherhood, vampire lord from the Kharkon clan in the armor of dawn guards and performs the instructions of the board of bars of solitude

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144736
24.05.2008 11:03 xxx: How to rename a block?
24.05.2008 11:06 yyy: _rename
24.05.2008 11:58 xxx: And the elephant did not notice. thank you.
08.06.2013 14:06 zzz: It is worth adding that to perform the _rename command it is necessary to initially highlight any object...
08.06.2013 22:17 qqq: zzz, Young man! XXX is 5 years old!!! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144735
Did you say you stopped drinking?
It’s been three days, how. But I already missed it...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144734
Restore access to a service. A few years. I call them. and support. The girl says with a pleasant voice:
Of course, we can restore it. For this, please name me the code word specified during registration.
- (20 seconds of silence, I understand that in 5 years I will not remember exactly and say a long deep-minded word) BLA-aaa.
Yes, all right, we’ll send you a new one (no longer listening...)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144733
and Gogol. The beginning.
This is a new trend in the cinema. Take the word. Add "Start" through a point or double point. And a straight kick for 10 points is ready! and the egg. Start", and "Spring. Start" and "Harry Potter. The beginning " " end. The beginning" and the beginning" The beginning"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144732

In St. Petersburg, clowns from the Comic-Trust Theatre held a picket at the legislative assembly with the demand to ban in Russia the show of the film "It" based on the novel of Stephen King. The artists believe that the hero of the painting – the monster Pennywise, who appears in the image of a clown – will defile their profession.

But the Ayatollahs did not troll.
Because the truth.
It is scary clowns.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144731
You, Russians, wrote in white - do not confuse harmless habits with disease. Comprehension of WU? Learn to read...

Strangely enough, from my surroundings, the greatest enemy of naked ankle and spiners is a friend who in his youth drank everything that burns, did not hurt grass, mushrooms and other natural substances, and bathed exclusively naked on any beach.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144730
XXX: Stay silent in the cloth. Shouldn’t you go to the rallies?
YYY: Of course it is worth it. When in their head do not go different mute personalities such as parties from the debris of history, clichés-rusophobes and bullish hysterics of all kinds. In the country there are problems of doher, and to the protesters also all kinds of shushers are applauded, which need to cut off political glasses, work out bustling cookies or simply encourage. And when adequate people predictably do not want to go with such, they start screaming that they have endured around.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144729
by Kirill 16:48

and :)
I had a strange feeling when I was invited to take an open lesson in 2010. High Middle Ages and the Crusades in the 6th Class
I came with the record. I begin to tell... and then suddenly I realize that at least half the class are small Muslims.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144728
If on TV female nipples require censorship, and men do not, is it possible on TV to cover female nipples with male nipples?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144727
I come to a friend. She has a bottle on the table.
I ask: What is it for you?
Answer: The wreath of marriage.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144726
My mom tells my little boys how everything will go, well, and about the traditions of weddings in that village.
We will sell the bride and the bridegroom will buy her. It will be in game form.
My son is very doubtful:
Thus e. Will it be bought for money? How a thing? Like a toy machine?
Well yes. But the game is like that.
You have some stupid games.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144725
I read, in antiquity, they advised when the murderer approached to throw a knife into it, and in science and life there was a scientific justification for this action - under some combination of circumstances, the knife destroyed the murderer by closing its electric charge.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna