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[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116512
Advertising on the Dating Site:

A romantic from a long road, just rested at an adult resort (7 years from call to call) is looking for an attractive woman for intimate pleasures. Age, weight, height and gender are not important.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116511
But my cat quite consciously led me to the refrigerator and pointed his foot to the cucumbers lying on the top shelf. It was painfully fresh cucumbers liked ) Remembered that the delicious stuff in the refrigerator, and asked to share )))" Good Cat! I love my white mushrooms.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116510
This erotic dream is done by professional prostitutes, do not try to repeat it.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116509
I had a better opinion of her until I saw her sending a request to the service center that she didn’t have a mail. of unworking mail.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116508
'BAŠ is a site where "xxx" is found more frequently than on porn trackers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116507
We take an official or a deputy and feed a bunch of wandering dogs.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116506
A quote about love at night.
Oh sweet, don’t look at me. I feel bad when someone is watching.
You always get bad. Fuck me somehow.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116505
Croatia, sailboats, yachts, we go read the names. One of them is "A good idea 2".
Hopefully the second time, the idea will be really good.)

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116504
One day my dad took me fishing. When I was young, I can hardly remember anything. I remembered only this picture: Daddy, standing on his knees in the water, is trying to knock down a duck from a branch of a tree growing on the flooded shore. Only my dad saw the duck.
Fishing has long since stopped, but not drinking.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116503
XXX: So this is a little crawling, and this piece needs to be reworked.
YYY: So why is it all through the ass?
Well, let me tell you where the project’s legs grow from...
YYY: That’s about the Jeep again?! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116502
Lucrecia: And when we just moved to this apartment, Antonha was still with us.
Lecrecia: Antocha was a tiger piton. For its appearance small (I suspected that Antonha was a female, because they are smaller), but in fact - a two-meter snake, very lazy. Probably, in the terrarium he was not very, because Antonha most in the world loved two things: to eat and sleep in the warm corner, this was what he did all the time.
Lucrecia: One day, Dasha (woman) approached the terrace shortly after Antocha had sharpened the next rabbit and gently said, “Well, you Antoshka, are lying here... I’d go for a walk...
Lucrecia: That’s why, I say. Why, grit it, for a meeting!
Lucrecia: You think we have a worthy pitonika somewhere in our house?
Lucrecia: No, he says, if he escapes, we will have to look for him in all the apartments, let’s get to know the neighbors.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116501
X: What do you miss in life?
Y: Immortality
X: To be forever coupled and e#at?
Y: Yes
When will you get bored?
Y: And when you get bored - go to get a certificate of cisco...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116500
Aaa: The article about “Before was better.”
bbb: Oh, and the grass is greener and the trees are higher.
ccc: References are reference.
ddd: They were not referrals :)
They were in Siberia.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116499
Make, please, the service notification about the end of another mess.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116498
Men and women have the same rights, but women always have the same rights.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №116497
The phone. The story is based on real events, told by an eyewitness.
The story happened five years ago. District Police Department in the center of the provincial city. After the morning planner, the opera depicts a tumultuous activity. One of them with tremendous reluctance, being a duty opera, wanders to his office, and entering there discovers a girl in it. When she looked up at him, the opera with a five-year experience, having seen a lot, suddenly hit the heart of a 15-year-old virgin when she saw a poster of Pamela Anderson. In general, in a fraction of a second he decided about himself that whatever was the essence of the crime committed against this citizen, he would uncover it. by any. After briefly interviewing the girl, he found out that when leaving the tram, a young man took his phone out of her hands and fled. A couple of passengers of the tram followed him, but quickly lagged behind. The phone was presented by my mom on her birthday, and there were a lot of precious heart pictures of the girl. The crime was committed about half an hour ago, from the tram stop to the department 10 minutes walk. Having accepted and issued the statement of the beautiful citizen, the opera appointed her to meet again at 6 p.m. in his office. It was 9 in the morning. The opera ran through all the cabinets, the opera gathered cantons and briefly explained the task, explaining that for him this issue is serious. When it comes to the employee, menta works on conscience. Extremely confused freelancers from criminal circles were seized and viewed recordings from video surveillance cameras of surrounding shopping centers. External appearance and routes have been established. After consultation with the archive, the identity of the criminal was determined, because his biography already contained several conditional and one real term for such crimes. The opera group with the most famous driver of the moonboat moved to their home address, where they caught the villains in the company of their companions. After an express interrogation, the opera learned that the phone was exchanged for a snack from a vendor of a nearby store. After 5 minutes, the phone was stolen, and a company of villains, one of whom was found to be in federal search for murder, was delivered to the department. A brief inspection of the phone's memory revealed the absence of "Love" and similar synonyms in the notebook. It was 5 o’clock in the evening. Opera ran to the nearest florist and sat and waited. Strangely enough, the girl turned out to be punctual, and at exactly 6 o’clock she crossed the threshold of his office. The phone and flowers were solemnly presented. The wedding took place six months later.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №116496
Times are changing: cars are now a necessity, and children are a luxury.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116495
The boss (rarely a harmful man) holds a tie in the table box, wears it when he goes to the boss. And here he was called, he gets a tie, stretches on his neck, fixes the node, looking in the mirror on the inside of the closet door, goes out. The colleague (thinking)

should be. It is such a spark, and in the mirror is reflected!

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116494
This is exactly what I did not expect, that "Lilichka from the first class" is a twenty-year-old creature in a bullshit, jeans and crosses on the spikes and with a note behind the back, smoking, mating, and judging by the misanthropic look and slang clearly raised by sysadminas and programmers.
I’m talking about a blonde with two older girls.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116493
Frenesi: I bought a piercing nipple eyelid with a sheriff’s star. :D
Whc: Nothing like a tool of self-defense. The foot in the decoult, you remove the star - and a concise throw in the eye of the villain ;D
Frenesi: With my cleverness, I will soon open my fingers.
Whc : well! You dry your fingers in the decolt, pull out the bloody and scratch the blood in the eye of the villain. Also the option :)
I have fatalities. :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna