— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 56 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85098
My story about the cat.
I am also the owner of a large Maine Coon. Red, with brushes and a gorgeous collar like a lion. The cat although castrated, but insanely playful and mobile. He walks through the street by himself. He always brings home rats from the basement, pigeons, crows and in general any small life for him to be wild.
To the fact that there is a dead animal next to my bed in the morning, I have become accustomed. I look at the floor next to the bed and then put my feet.
But to be fooled by the fact that this morning next to the bed there were two small suffocated tai-terriers, both in glamorous necklaces, I think it was overwhelming!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №85097
As a child, my mother and grandmother could never find a red hat for the girl in the store. So they bought her a blue beret. The tale of the wolf is over.

A celebration guys.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №85096
to this:
Mom passed Raven’s test on Aikyu
WOW: The result came out completely downright, 46 what, she is sitting crying, and she is not stupid at all.
yyy: Go to understand, we start again - the questions five norms made, and then the writer was, the next field with figures opens, and she with a joyful smile ticks into the completely wrong version of the answer and says - look how beautiful it turns out!
My mother is a designer. For all the other questions, she chose the most beautiful answer.
How can you not love it?"

Well, if a person chooses the most beautiful answer to other questions about life... then why be surprised? If a person has not yet learned to read, then 46 is quite high.

[ + 51 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85095
This smart, mature, beautiful woman:

I’ll reveal the secret to the boys. A woman is first attracted to a man’s mind, and then she falls in love with his body.

– is
Yes of course. and bladd. Everyone knows that the girls are massively dried by Gregory Perelman, and not by the actor from Sumerek.
Well, you go out on the street - the beauties don't give the glasses from the mahmut a passage, they hang on their neck. And the bullshit and glamorous masters are sadly going forever alone.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №85094
XXX: Updated today
This database was created by pirate version of IDA Pro!"
Naive, I would look at myself.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №85093
X: I went on a date today. The Virgin is beautiful. Oh, if you could click on the girl right and immediately find out all the characteristics: Brain Eating 6, Libido 10, PMS 4, Intelligence 8, Loyalty 4, Glamour 5
y: pears are also resistant to substances
X: And what anger will fall out of her

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №85092
Here recently digged in a box, found deposits from the school of inspection works. 7 the class. The history. Given the names of different cool persons, it was necessary to explain who they were. The first is "Pope of Rome". My explanation is "The Head of the Church". Underlined, the red crying sign. Two are worth. I knew something was wrong with the church.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85091
This is:
In 9th grade I ran 100 meters in 9 seconds.
This is a women’s world record!
Wow, I was told that too.
You are running like a grandmother!"
Young man, and why are you still not the best sprinter in the world with such a result?? to
The world record for women, set in the 1980s 10.49 seconds, and for men in those years 9.93 and 9.92 seconds... Now 9.58 seconds (since 2009)...

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №85090
Everyone served on August 2. Otherwise they get puzzles.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №85089
Just when I left the cemetery on a bike, a man told me that it was bad to ride here on a horse, blablabla...
He drove a tractor, that’s possible.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №85088
XXX: I am in trouble. No glimpse, no intrigue, no boring expectation
YYY: What happened?
The bus arrived on schedule for the second time in a week! Previously it was a tragic melodrama with elements of comedy and militant, and now a boring documentary (
YYYY: Yes, Mosgortrans has gone all the way.

[ + 55 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85087
These debilitators:

Ukraine is the name of the country, you go to the country of fools, not to the country.
It would be September 1st and you would go to school to teach Russian idiots.

In your language, do you travel to the Netherlands, or do your brains sometimes turn on?


Melt, you, before you argue, carry an achine and accuse normal people of stupidity, you would go down, if, and learn that in the Russian language, the norm is officially recognized in Ukraine. To the UK, to Spain, to the Netherlands, but to Ukraine! Like in Cuba and Cyprus.
There is and never has been in the Russian language a single rule that established the spelling of excuses B and NA with geographical names - everything is determined only by historically established norms. Even with the island countries, we do not have everything unambiguous: TO CUBA, TO HAITI, TO CYPRUS, but TO ISLAND, TO GRENLAND, TO SRI LANKA.

So, who like, but I soon go to rest TO Ukraine, to Crimea :)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №85086
After a working day on my heels, my legs are my erogenous zone.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №85085
In Soviet times in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg)
> closed the drinking house and not in the context of the fight against alcoholism,
> it was on the pebble that the monument of Y.M. pointed his finger. Sverdlov

In the suburb of Balashige, a monument to Lenin pointed to the pebble.
It was easier to turn the monument.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №85084
The Fishing Forum:

1: Asked to give an announcement on the sale of a fully working computer.
The body. Owned by: 0XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
I will publish some parameters later.

2: Asked to answer that they agree to buy for some amount of hryvnia in full demand on the market. I will tell you later for what amount of money.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №85083
From Khabr (talk about the South)
Vvzvlad: I represent it. During that time, I have not seen a single spider. The Cheddar? Night walks with the phone included.
Phoenixweiss: Maybe you are a happy person with good karma and pure aura.
IDMan: Or with such karma, the rumors of which scare even the hippies.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №85082
Talk about a local hotel.

xxx: About "Spartacus"." Rested" there three years ago
At night at the same time, mice began to cross across the walls and under the floor. The worshipers!
I left bread on the table. Some mutant bite a hole in the bucket with a thick fist.
He went to the admin, saying that we are afraid for our lives.
She says we have a type of luxury, so there is a solution from mice
It gives a fat cat.
Bringed him to the room, he slept on my head all night, but the rest of the life clearly woke up.)
I really slept with him.

So if you are booking “Spartak”, take a luxury! Cats are included in the account.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85081
With Lepra:

orange303: I have one question. I have always thought that cyclists are listening to Iron Maiden, or, at the bad end, ZZ Top, and from the mozzicks is constantly playing some kind of pork bluff of the type of Stas Mikhailov.
b_twisted: Look from the other side. Zizitop is such a stance of Mikhail for America of the 70s. Everything seems to go together.
Pinstripe: You know, this phrase very well shows how the United States differs from Russia. In the 1970s they had ZZ Top as Stas Mikhailov, and in 2013 we had Stas Mikhailov as Stas Mikhailov.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №85080
In the day of wrath:
One day your phone will be called, and a girl from Kirby's beauty salon. A nice voice will tell you that a friend you have long forgotten is still keeping your phone number!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №85079
Yes, any fool can fail. But to fail on trailers... Mikhalkov managed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna