— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9940
In the bar of the hotel at the next table two men:
“I don’t know what to do... My wife gave me money to buy my shoes.
And you?
And I spent them on a prostitute...What should I say to my wife?
Tell the truth...
What other truth?
The shoes are l.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9939
Unknown Feeling:

In the last few days, I’ve just had someone with spam at work. The theme is predominantly porn, but sometimes there is a beautiful one, such as today - Ilya Lagutenko raised a bearded crab. I always suspected it.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9938
I saw a lot of inscriptions on dirt on the transport, the most pleased this: "Dirty healing, free not to slip")

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9937
The status of a friend in aske: "Why are cats cute? We opened 13 pieces, but we never found a response..."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9936
I have such a disappointment that those schoolchildren who sat on the tower a lot and often, entered, and now most of the quotes are about the beginning of studies in the university...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9935
Never repeat my sad experience. Yesterday, in order not to distract me from the post on the forum, I changed the status in the ace to N/A. The driver worked. Even, monstrously to say, overstated (literally):
"Shalava, Tobolsk (21:17:54 5/09/2008)
Hi you sweet! Not written for a long time! How are you there without me? Did you get the girl?
pelik911 (21:17:54 5/09/2008)
Hi, Shalawa, Tobolsk, I am not available yet. When I come back, I will inform you immediately.
Shalawa, Tobolsk (21:18:19 5/09/2008)
Bl@d did not expect from you the gnida went nach@y!"
I almost cried...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9934
(After the blue)
I recognized your yesterday’s repertoire (ROFL)
That is the first song...
1: "I was ready to kiss the pessarook....
2 of 2 ?
The second one in French.
2nd :?? to
1: Taxi Driver
I fucking don’t know French!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9933
A acquaintance told me. He works in an insurance company.
The man comes to him and says: I want to insure my life and health. Tell me what, what conditions?

Well, a friend explained everything to him thoroughly, he said that in principle everything is wonderful, type, agree
Well, friend, he says, well, fill out the questionnaire...

Chel fills, gives a friend, he looks at his name - Kenny.

Just as it didn’t become of itself...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9932
I am tired from work. In front of the leaves somewhat unusual flying... stopped in the aquarium, here is the fox in front of the anomaly!! to

I don’t play at Stalker anymore.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9931
The Gremlyk:
Autumn has arrived. I am wearing a coat.
No one gives me my roses.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №9930
Sam: If you’re such a crazy admin, you know everything.
In all areas. Tell me what temperature is.
the saturated steam in the nuclear reactor RBMK-1000???? to
Family: 284
Sam: I understand that the search runs, but you are a maniac!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9929
XXX is
I want to have sex here.

To be...true? This is the first time I hear ?

XXX is
They are funny, and if I were to fly for the last time, I would have already given birth and grown up.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9928
From the browser game Heroes of M&M:

You saw the tracks leading to the camp of the Peasants (25 pieces).It’s hard to guess, they have 67 gold.

Of course, only a fool will not guess that 25 peasants hold exactly 67 gold...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9927
In the gastronomy:
Give a bottle of vodka and a bottle.
What kind of baton do you have? The cut?
No foolishness, smoothness

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9926
I rented a room in an apartment with an Azerbaijani family. People are very decent, behave quietly, but the joke is not that. They, in order to disassemble the hole on the balcony decided, I quote "to hire any hole"....

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №9925
<^koketka^> and what is the name of the 2 part of the man by education?
<^koketka^> and who has one?
<{Goblin}> Do you need a man?and :)
<{Goblin}> I will go
<{Goblin}> :)
<^koketka^> need a movie
<{Goblin}> well and movie

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9924
Vladlena (14:59:03 12/09/2008)
We are playing a game!! Describe me in one word (but only one), send it to me, and send this letter to others and you will see how many strange things people will say about you (only be sure to answer).! to

>Sadisto< (15:00:24 12/09/2008)
Toughened Laminated Safety Glass

Vladlena (15:01:19 12/09/2008)
You were Ohuel?

>Sadisto< (15:02:38 12/09/2008)
You send this message to 10 of your friends and in a minute you will lose 10 of your friends. If you don’t send this message within 10 minutes, you’ll have your legs rotten. And then the hands. I can’t go back, I can’t because I don’t want my legs to break down. This is the purest truth. One girl did not believe and died, and her whole family died, and the cat died and the dog too. And I burned her house.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9923
= How is what you do?
and norm. I sit there fucking crazy to eat.
“Dick, go and do what?
Lenin does not allow.

10 minutes later.

Would you still sit hungry? :D
and nona. I almost got an unreal sandwich!
Now go to Hawaii for breakfast.
I just painted it in painting.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9922
goodmAn (11:39:11 11/09/2008)
Pizdzz, in contact to all the messages answered, on the forum in all the topics signed off, in the mail all the spam removed / on all the emails replied, in asskoe no one writes, still sleep march, - and what now to do? Do you work???? to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9921
Here are the words of a wonderful employee. There are almost no signs of interpenetration, as he speaks without them.)))

1st Where I am
2nd I am with him.
Three Threefold Five
4 is I have a daddy.
5 is I have a lot everywhere.
6 is What are you what
7 is The opposite
8 is Once a year every year
9 is I was infected by 2 graduate students (about the fascination of playing Carmagedon 10 years ago)
10 is I sneaked under the table.
11 is Commercial dog (about the icon "@")
12 is Think about the subject.
Thirteen Time to open the nails (on opening the windows from winter)
14 is Shell under the shirt (that is, first he ate once the pelmeni, then the silk under the shirt)
15 is I have eyes on the side.
16 is We drove far and then to the right.
17th There is no Friday this week, Thursday is the extreme day (for the upcoming holidays)
18 is Names changed with documents.
19 is I don’t remember which city, which country, and I don’t remember what.
20 is I change my legs, but I don’t remember which one.
21 is The Spirit Moves
22nd I have included my "pi" (about the "unprinted signs" button in word)
23nd Is it like it is written on the disc? I think one letter is English and the rest is Russian.
24 is While I paint the other side, I have time to paint the other side.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna