— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4626
– and??? ? to And then??? ? to ???? ? to And then??? ? to

You won’t be able to see a quote posted in the last 24 hours until you vote for it.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4625
Nothing reminds of age as much as virginity.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4624
I watched Intuition - there guess gay.
Please tell me, are you gay?
Unfortunately not.

I was just rolling *ROFL*

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4623
The city was covered by snow...
Marathon (13:10:59 30/04/2008)
I decided to buy a strawberry and tomorrow in the oven to burn it... and you will do the blasphemy... on the strawberry dressed, on the table the bed of a newspaper or an old cloth, well, there are cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, I will turn on the sounds of the forest and we will celebrate the first of May... even single-use dishes
Voronoff (13:11:19 30/04/2008)
There is artificial smoke.
Mar-work (13:11:33 30/04/2008)
to walk on the balcony, so that no civilization
Voronoff (13:11:40 30/04/2008)
of the G)
Mary-working (13:12:54 30/04/2008)
Wash your hands there from half a cup... and on the table-salt in the spark box, or better without a table, on the floor, where we in nature the table will take.
and also hope to swallow the knots and put under the pop for the sharpness of the sensations of nature...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №4622
You can only look and lick :-)
I am standing on my knees before you.
Beer is...
And I stretch up a tight belt on your pants.
I touch the hand of your excited penis.
Natasha: Do you feel it?
Beer is AHA!
I throw my pen into your pants.
I feel the table.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №4621
The real hazard is when the installation of a 15 gigabyte game is at 98%, the disk is free of 200 megabytes and the film is quickly copied from the blocked disk to free up space.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4620
noemotion: I strongly suspect that the well-known brand "Hello kitty" was created on the basis of the simple Albanian expression "kit, cookie"...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №4619
Mario, Mario... and I jumped to another world (remember the big yellow monkeys?) I put it on the note. Graphics - grandmother EGA... jumped in a MINUTE, although the disgrace is not the biggest. In a minute, I downloaded and installed the game that I played with five-inch discs in my childhood.

This is all a prelude. What I am leading...

How do you go through that level where you climb the stairs, and there the yellow monkey launches energy balls on the floor? I had to do so that they burned the floor, but I forgot how.

The car must put a shield and then break the door and sit behind the shield.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №4618
S.A (Chairman*) on Friday says that he has a anniversary - 5 years in the company, and here, typically, invites all those interested from the department to bowling. Well, all started, for the balls slid down - gave the operator, not the trails, but drank and found delicious))
Time of payment - the officer brings the account.
S.A He looks, breathes his breath, gets his mouth and counts the blue papers: "Once, two, three, four, five, fuck... six, fuck... seven fuck..."))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №4617
XXX:Who knows how to send SMS using ISQ to the megaphone?

1st Determine the free port on which ISQ will work
2nd Submit a proposal to the RFC on ISQ standardization (optional but desirable)
Three Hire programmers to write ISQ servers and clients for different platforms
4 is Develop an add-on to the ISQ protocol, allowing you to arrange an SMS gate, submit suggestions in the RFC (optional, but desirable)
5 is Agree with the leading cellular operators, do not forget MegaFon.
6 is Hire programmers to write an SMS plugin for the ISQ client.
7 is Send SMS via ISQ.

and luck!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4616
Why do you drink coffee all the time? You are tea :)
I am not a cannibal.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №4615
<Sђock> about July..... I’ll go later...pull out a piece of dishwasher....
[20:55:31] <Lia> Ugu. Tolkien will take you...
[20:55:41] <Lia> You will wash your dishes....
[20:55:55] <Palpatine> Does Tolik cast a dishwasher? An irreplaceable man in the house.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4614
[00:49:10] <SpaceMonkey> I just walked out on the balcony to smoke,and there are the grandmothers sitting with the babylon playing the hope of the babkin and they sing,pppc to what progress has come!!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №4613
XXX: I have an intimate question to you.


xxx: how to control the screw sections)))

yyy: Sorry, this is too personal ((

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №4612
Chapter 111: The Fuck...
222 ! to
111: We are at war
It has 3 fortified fortresses and many small and splinter wars.
111: I have a titanium blade, a tail and a drag
We cannot exist in this universe together.
Today I have deprived him of a greater number of wars and a mother's fortress.
111, but I will not stop at this.
111: and if a crossbow does not come to him overnight from a neighboring bed, he will be beaten!
I say this to you, I am a warrior with a red cutter!
111, and the

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №4611
The system "you won’t see the rating until you vote" – that’s, of course, good. But then "+" and "-" should be after the quotes! Everyone votes first and then reads.

Bring to the top! Have an objective rating.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4610
I drink more and more. And then when I pour milk, I hold a glass of bottle at the corner, so that it does not shed.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4609
<smirnoff> and the
<smirnoff> I want this kind of social
<smirnoff> search for houses nearby
<smirnoff> and what would Google maps flag marks
<smirnoff> where they drink now

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №4608
Sometimes it seems to me that road workers argued with DPS inspectors, and they in turn stopped doing normal roads, not allowing us to exceed speed, and at this time depriving others of their wages...
by DuMkA(c)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №4607
<gelt> something I wanted red caviar...
<G.FREEMAN> gelt: metni )))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna